Chapter 11

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A/N: Kind of a long chapter!! I know that a guitar probably wouldn't be in a school orchestra but we like to pretend. Also the ending is really cheesy but whatever... hope you enjoy!!!

Harry had not left Estella alone since Tao called him out. Even if she tried to tell him to leave her alone he'd just sling his arm around her and make an inappropriate joke. Harry reminded her of her Mum's second or third boyfriend, Tom.

That was around the time she got a lock on her door, no longer feeling safe as he was always there. Tom would purposefully sit right by Estella when they would eat dinner, and he would whisper crude statements in her ear and caress her thigh. Slowly going higher each time.

Eventually her mum had broken up with him, mainly blaming Estella for being a slut. Harry was exactly like Tom. And it filled Estella with a sense of dread and terror whenever he walked past her.

"Watch out dick nozzle." Harry purposefully bumped into Tao as the three friends walked past the school gates.

Tao angrily walks closer to Harry. "If you want my attention that badly why don't you just throw something at me again? Like your last remaining brain cell."

Estella couldn't help but snicker at that one, especially after seeing Harry's face turn as red as his hair.

"Wow. I think you hurt his feelings." Charlie says with a funny grin.


The trio begin to walk towards the gates, happening to pass Nick and Imogen on the way. Nick watched Estella as her brows furrowed in confusion. They were really close...

Tao glares at them on behalf of Estella, knowing that she was going to be overthinking because of Nick.


"I had a question..." Nick says as the two lay down, soaking up the sun as Nellie and Pluto ran around the entire park.


Nick looks over at the pretty girl laying next to him, her hair fanning around her head like a halo. "How did you realize you were pansexual?"

"Oh- uhh... Well I guess I've always sort of known." She turns to face him, searching his brown eyes. "I just never really pieced it together until a couple years ago. I've always just liked everyone."

"I don't know what I am."

"Darling- you don't have to figure it out right now. It's not like one day I just magically pulled "I'm pansexual" out of my arse." Estella says trying to cheer him up a bit, his cheeks burning red from the nickname.

Nick chuckles and turns back to look at the sky. "Well... I'm sorry for being all confused."

"I thought i was the one who said sorry too much-" She says with a sarcastic smile.


Estella's heart pounds against her rig cage as she grabs his hand to ask. "Would a kiss help?"

"Wow." Nick shakes his head in amusement.

"It's just a suggestion that's all!"


Estella starts to sit up just to tease him. "Well if you're not interested then..."

"Okay! Hang on-" Nick props himself up on his elbows, staring intently at her lips. "It's a very good suggestion."

The couple's lips barely meet before they're split apart by two absolute cock blockers who go by the names Nellie and Pluto. Nellie begins to slobber all over their faces, as they groan. Pluto just excitedly runs around them.

Redamancy   ✽Nick Nelson x fem!oc✽Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ