Chapter 17

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Tao burst into the market that Estella, Charlie and Isaac were buying snacks at.

"I like Elle! Okay? I said it. And don't laugh! I bet you've all been laughing behind my back because I've been so oblivious. Honestly Elle could do better. And she probably doesn't even like me back and this is probably going to destroy our friendship. It's going to destroy our friendship group. And it's going to leave me devastated for years to come. So this is a really selfish and stupid thing to do but I'm going to tell her. Help me!"


"A restaurant! That's a classic date location." Tao exclaimed, quickly adding it to the ULTIMATE ELLE DATE paper.

After Tao had ran into the market and confessed his love for Elle, Charlie, Isaac and Estella were helping him come up with date ideas. Well it was more Tao giving ideas and everyone else disagreeing.

Isaac grimaced, before adding. "Isn't that a bit boring though?"

"So... a theme park!"

"But you hate rollercoasters." Charlie quickly protested, looking towards Estella who was reading Pride and Prejudice for the 3rd time.

Estella answered without looking up from her book. "Elle doesn't like them either. They mess up her hair."

"Ooh, what if you go to a bookshop and like, choose a book for each other and have a cute little reading date!" Isaac excitedly explained.

"Isaac that's your dream date. Not Elle's. Stella, what do you and Nick do for dates?"

Estella marked her place with her finger before looking up and answering. "We went to the beach-"

Tao quickly rolled his eyes and exclaimed. "Ugh basic. What else?"

"We've both been really busy. I've been taking extra shifts and trying to finish an art project and he's got exams. I've barely seen him outside of school."

"Oh my god, you're all useless." Tao grumbled.

"Tao, you're really overthinking this." Isaac stared at the paper with about a million scribbles on it.

"I'm not! If this date doesn't work out, then I lose my best friend in the whole world." Tao pauses, Charlie and Isaac both give each other a concerned look. "What if we went to IKEA like in 500 days of Summer? Hmm?"

Charlie and Isaac start laughing while Estella finally sets down her book and looks Tao in the eyes to explain. "Tao! Elle would be happy just to go to the park and talk with you. She doesn't expect this huge rom com first date."

"You don't understand it has to be perfect."


"Estella, still waiting on your final project." Mr.Ajayi voice calls out as Estella stares at a blank canvas.

"It's nearly done."

He walks where Estella is seated and finds the blank canvas. "I don't understand, you've always turned in my assignments early. What's different about this one?"

"I'm sorry I've just been really busy. I've had to work extra night shifts." Estella says keeping her eyes firmly on the floor.

Mr.Ajayi shakes his head sympathetically before saying. "I'm trying to get you more time, but I really need this assignment or it'll affect your grade." 

"I understand. I'll get it done by the end of this week."

The project was easy in theory. Paint or draw the people you love most in the world. Most of Estella's classmates had drawn their parents and maybe a sibling.

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