Chapter 21

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"Let's find somewhere to eat! I'm fucking starvingggg." Ezra whined, resting his head on Charlie's shoulder causing them to sway.

Nick turned towards Estella who was picking at her fraying cardigan. "Are you hungry?"

"Honesty not really. But you should get something." Estella says, avoiding Nicks worried eyes.


"Elle!" Tara called out, very clearly excited that Elle and Tao arrived in good moods.

Charlie quickly pulled Tao over to him and them, while Tara pulled Elle over to the others. "Hey how'd it go?"

"Fine. We're totally back to normal." Tao grinned, playing with his camera.

Isaac rolled his eyes before cheekily asking. "And?"

"And that's it. We're just friends again."

Estella could tell that Tao and Elle alike were really trying not to get their hopes up. They were perfect for each other when they were themselves. Not trying to become a completely unrecognizable person.

People are funny like that, they alter their personalities to make others like them. Never truly knowing that someone out there loves them for their true selves.

"Ugh get off!" Imogen scoffed as Ben pulled her closer, clearly trying to make someone jealous. She headed over to where their group was standing, quickly smiling up at them. "Hey guys! Do you guys mind if I hang with you for a bit? Ben's being so boring."

"Of course not!"


"Feel free."

Estella could feel herself tense up at the sight of Ben. Nothing had even happened so why did she feel so anxious around him?

The lack of sleep was getting to her nerves. She wouldn't ruin this trip for everyone else. She just couldn't.

"Have you been to the Sacre Coeur yet?" Estella asked, immediately trying to help Imogen feel comfortable.

"No I haven't!"

"Let's go together then. Come on." Estella grabbed Imogen's hand and the group started to walk off. The two girls started to walk ahead of the group despite them having shorter legs than the rest.

Estella felt glad that Imogen trusted her enough to talk openly with her. But man it was a lot when she got virtually no sleep.

Imogen began swinging their hands back and forth as they walked along. "It's like he doesn't even wanna hang out with me anymore now that we're dating. All he cares about is having a girlfriend. And now he just ignore me all the time! I'm not sure he even likes me that much."

"Do you even like him?" Estella asked, looking into her eyes. "He sounds horrible."

Imogen went quiet for a moment, knowing that Estella was logically right. "What about you? How are you and Nicky?"

"We're good. He's very sweet."

"Well that's boring. Give me the juicy details!" She exclaimed, glancing back at Nick, who was watching confused.

"I don't know what else there is to really say. He kind of just gets me. And I don't know- I just feel safe with him. Y'know?" Estella rambled, her cheeks slowly blushing the more she talked.

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