A female beast

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Ahem ahem . . .

  After clearing my throat and taking a step back, I use the perfect excuse to run. I might not feel thatttt sore, but it's still uncomfortable down there.

  «I think I'll use the sand pit now » shit I can't look at him in the eyes. Such a hot babe teasing me all day long tsk tsk so unfair ! "

After what I think was a long time I came back feeling relieved. I must admit that I didn't think my new senses would had affected me in that way. The smell was awful 😣

  Checking my new clothes I realized how wonderful is my Daddy Curtis

The skirt is long with an opening that reaches up to right hip exactly were Curtis mark starts

The top crosses my chest and goes around my neck with a knot in my lower back, specifically exposing the center of my chest and my abdominal area.

I see that I have a possessive mate showing of our mate mark

  « Love come here » I used a very serious tone 😌

Umm ??¿¿  does she not like it ? Or wants to hide my mate mark on her body ?

  He looks nervous
   « Now kiss me. » I command in the same voice he used last night when telling to open my legs!
I call it revenge 😌
" and now confused and relieved ?¿

« Baby I didn't know you have so many different expressions.
Don't you want to, I thought it was a good reward. »

So she liked it !! Embracing, my little mate I sat with her on my lap giving little kisses on her juicy lips. I hided my head in the crock of her neck to breathe in her scent calming myself. She wants me, and doesn't wish to hide my existence.

I shouldn't have gone through all those memories in my legacy for advice. I should have known better than that !

« Bea before trying the clothes, do you want to try shifting ? »

Ah ?¿ what did he said?
« Don't distract me to ask me questions later »
I whined

  « Hum. . . We can try to shift your fox paws first and when you get a better control over it, you can shift into a little fox completely. What do you think? Want to start learning ? »

« Of course I want !!!! So what do I do first ? »

Try to concentrate in your hands and visualize your fox paws 🐾 instead. Don't try to force it, it comes out naturally. »

I tried doing it for twenty minutes until I felt a tingling sensation in both hands.

Yeah . . . There they are !
I look up at Curtis and he looks proud, smiling at ME
It makes me feel happy so I smiled too 💕

« Good done little one !! Now do the same thing with your entire body, ok ? »

Hum sip, let me try ! »

Wowwww !! What's this
Oh my god a giant!! 🤯😱

I try to step back but end up tripping with my own paws and falling backwards with a tail on my face !!

Oh Curtis ! You were the giant haha 🤣
How could I be so silly?

I use my paws to cover my face because if foxes could blush, I'll be the reddest one

My giant laughs uncontrollably with his arms supporting his abdomen area!!

Well I guess it really was a little funny 🐾

I try to stop him but... I can't believe I just barked

« Little one you look beautiful and adorably cute. But I don't speak fox. Try to change again ? » 🦊

Ohh so we can't communicate now !

I Whine a little at his answer and change back.
Maybe I need a fox mate.

« So how was your first experience, did you like it ? » I have to hide her, she's too pretty and cute. What if someone tries to steal my cute little fox ?

« It feels tingling, but excepting the fact that I look like a cub, I loved it ».
it's like a new world

She says with a dreamy expression

« I guess I was right » I have to hide her !

« About what ? ¿ » I blink twice a little confuse

« You are my little fox » I said in a domineering way keeping a smile on face

If I lock her up, will she hate me ? Will she try to run away from me ? "

« Yes I am, and will always be your little fox my love »

You are not going anywhere RED, don't even think of possibility, you are stuck with me for the rest of your life.

I can feel him restless through the bond. His emotions are affecting me.
I shake my head twice to get the negative feeling away

I watch his expression and felt a little better. It must be a mistake.

" I like to be with him. And he isn't like the book says. I did a good job stealing him ! " my inner self is nodding at me in affirmation.

« You are beautiful Bea ! » I hold her hands and place a kiss on them " You are my beautiful little mate »

   Maybe I don't need to lock her up.
If I do it, I won't hear her lovely voice. And she won't look at me with those loving eyes.

She trusts me ! I have to trust her too.

Entering in our cave, I walk to the improvised bed that Curtis made me with some dry grass and furs, to enjoy a comfortable seat.

Curtis is working in our dinner with some sticks and those rare fishes.

At the end we didn't went to collect fruit since he did it in the morning, and there are more than enough for me to eat now and in the morning. I con go on with  mission explore tomorrow.

Who am I kidding, I never wake up until ten or eleven in the morning. I guess I can be as lazy as I want in this world. It's not like I have to work.


« Curtis are we close to any village? » I notice that this is not the cave where  Bai Qingqing fell, did anything change because of me ? "


Thank you for reading sweethearts 🥰

The next update will be coming after midnight 😅

Remember to vote 🙏 💕


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