Ape Healer

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"How are you feeling? Can you tell me where it hurts?" She looks pale, is it that bad? I don't know what to do, so I carried and placed my little fox on my lap to try to comfort her.

"Curtis my love, can you tell me if I look sick to you?"

How in the world did he got to the conclusion that I was hurting?? All I did was to ask about a healer.

But I can't deny that he is sweet.

"You don't have to worry. Winston will come back quickly." I said as I placed a tender kiss on her forehead.

"Curtis my lovely mate, I'm not sick and it doesn't hurt anywhere." I said it very slowly so he can get it. Before I could continue, he interrupted me.

"You don't have to lie to me. I can see in your face how much you are struggling."

"You are so stubborn! I don't feel sick, and I'm struggling because I may have eaten too much at dinner. And you are hugging me too tight."

I started rubbing her belly. Now that I know where she's hurting it'll be easier to explain the healer.

I can smell Winston's scent getting closer and one of the males I met when we first arrived here.

Why did that tiger bring him here??

As the time passed, Winston came back with a beast man healer. Even in Curtis lap I could still feel his eyes on me and my mates marks.

"I'm back Bea. How do you feel?" There was so much concern in his voice that it only made me realize what being sick means in this place.

I was going to tell him that I was fine, that everything was a misunderstanding but in the moment I turned my head I encountered myself with my jaw dropping.

I couldn't speak at all. Beside my mate was standing one of the most enchanting males I have ever seen.

This man wasn't as tall as my Winston, but he was bulky too. The contrast of a Beautiful tan skin and green eyes made him only appear more attractive. I loved the way his hair looked, it was short almost like a version of a modern man in the beast world. He looked as he was in his late thirties.

I really like mature men.

Well, I suddenly feel so sick.

"May I examine the female?"

Getting out of my messy thoughts, I tried to explain to Winston that there was no need for this.

"My dear I'm fine, it a misunderstanding."

"Curtis. Laid our mate back on the bed and let the healer do his job ."

Sighing he comply but not before warning the green eyes male.

"Fine, but don't you dare to touch her more than you need to. I won't care about who you are."

I didn't knew what to do. So I decided to let everything in my mate's hands. They weren't going to listen to me anyway.

The handsome male kneeling next to me was too distracting. And I could sense the tension in the air.

"Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm a fox female." I introduced myself trying to brake the awkward silence.

Fox Bea in the Beauty and the beast Where stories live. Discover now