Moving out

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After a happy morning filled with warmth and joy. We decided to finally move out of the tiger king's castle. I don't have anything against him, but I want a place that we can call home.

Winston was very excited wagging his tail back and forth as I raided on top of him. I couldn't help but pet his head and giggle a little since I was feeling cheerful too.

And with my handsome murderous snake back in his usual self, everything seemed perfect.

Curtis was describing me the house, after I begged for a hundred time.

"My little fox, you are going to see it soon. Aren't we going there?"

I gave him an incredulous face "it's not the same. I just want to know how it looks like our new home! Please?"

he sighed softly with a small smile at me.

"Well, It has a strong sense of security. And stone walls. And a door, and ..."

"Curtis my love you can stop now. What kind of description is that? 'He looks confused?' Wait. Were you serious?"

"Why. I tell you it's big and made of stone!"

"Oh my goodness give me patience. My Dear, don't pay attention at his nonsense. 'I said while caressing his fur' I'm sure that the house that you made for us is wonderful." Winston nodded in his tiger form and made a rare scoff at Curtis.

I saw many males stealing glances at our strange group as we walked. But what captured my attention was a beast man, to be more precise. He was the most annoying creature we have encountered. What the hell is doing Parker in beast city?

Bai Qing Qing shouldn't be here, at least not now. As far as I knew she was abducted by the stalker spider. Was he so incompetent to let them rescue her so soon.

Don't get me wrong, I may sound like a bitch but I don't want anything bad to happen to her. It's just the fact that she's going to live in the same city as me, made me realize how uncomfortable I felt with her presence. I don't like enemies that like hiding behind other people's back.

"Winston. Can you found out about them later?"
Oh goddess Bea, they don't read minds! I think as I facepalm my forehead lightly. "I want to know if they are back. The annoying leopard and the blabbering female."

My males follow my gaze, they looked surprised too. Parker didn't notice us and he wasn't alone.

I figured out that the others are guards from the leopard clan.

" huh, so he is walking. It looks like Winston's story about a lesson of males power wasn't right. I would have done better!" Curtis is grinning evilly at Parker's state.
Well he does look like shit!

Winston let a growl at Curtis words.

To what I understand, my dear thinks that my snake is talking nonsenses again.

"Wait. What is the story? You guys didn't tell me." I can't help it, I'm a curious girl.

"It's nothing important little fox. Don't worry about it. Don't you want to go to the house?

It has a great space for sunbathing and many flowers around. And a big tree we can use for the swing seat you talked about."

I said diverting her attention to continue our walk.
I may have plans for that spider.

"Ohh my goodness Winston! Did you made this place yourself??" I'm hugging him like a super excited koala.

"I did my love. I did it for you."

This place is simply impressive!
This will be my pice of haven.

I'm standing in from of my new home, the  beginning of a new live.

Curtis was right, it has a sense of security, something that make you feel safe.

The sturdy structure combining with the surrounding area full of green, and those flowers petals landing underneath the tree creating a perfect balance.

I can see the river from here, I only have to walk a distance of fifty meters if I wish to swim. And the most important, we don't have anyone around.

"Do you want to go inside little Bea?" I'm so glad that she likes it. I started working in this hut ever since my first transformation. My brother said it was a waste of time. Even I thought like that at some point. With the age of thirty five hot seasons, I was getting ready to be alone for the rest of my life.

The house was really big. It has three rooms on the second floor. "Guys I'd like to put a bathtub in that room, we can use it in the winter season. The big one will be for us, and the last one for our cubs." Sorry kids, I won't be able to have a sexual life and a peaceful mind, knowing that you can hear me screaming. Anyway this room is good too.

"Curtis you did a good job with the bed. Thank you!" He brought so many animals skins that it made the bed look fluffy and cozy.

The first floor has a big area "mmm, this one will be the living room. We can make some chairs and a big sofa. A tea table will also fit perfectly in this place."

The remaining rooms are not that large but they are big too, so I decided to use one as a storage room and the other one as a kitchen.

We spend the rest of the day working, making stone chairs, cabinets and a really big dining table. I'm not Qing Qing who knows how to use bamboo, but Curtis did well with the baskets I wanted for the storage room. I tried to learn but it seems that I suck at it.

We used wood to make some buckets, and a really big water tank made of stone. I don't want my males overworking themselves going to the river every time we need water at home.

"Bea the light rainy season is coming in a few days. If you want anything else made of wood tell me in advance."

"I don't know... can we make place outside to store firewood?" Tsk. I think that I should have read more books about transmigration. My lack of imagination is giving me a headache.

Winston gave me a kiss and went outside to work in the woodshed. Curtis said that he was going to hunt, he wants to get familiar with this place and the hunting ground as soon as possible.

So I got my lazy ass up, and made some cute curtains with some white fabrics. I like white, it makes things look clean and nice.

I want to make something for the guys, they are working super hard.

Maybe I can make some scarfs for them if a get cotton or sheep wool. I could also make pillows and decorative cushions for the living room.

I'll ask Curtis when he is back about the wool and I think Winston can help me to get the cotton.

Fox Bea in the Beauty and the beast Where stories live. Discover now