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Coles pov

I've hooked up with many girls before but there was something different with her. I don't know if it was because she wasn't afraid to tell me what she wanted or what but I felt something with that kiss that I've never felt with anyone else. The whole drive back to my house I couldn't help but think about the girl. I walked inside and saw my roommates were both still awake
Dal- hey man how was your visit with Marcus
C- it was good his brother ended up having a party tonight so that was a lot of fun
G- so I'm guessing you hooked up with someone based off the dopey look you have
C- yes I did
Dal- just another one night stand or what
C- due to circumstances yes
G- why do you say that
C- she lives there I live here she's younger it just wouldn't work
G- but you would want to be with her
C- honestly yeah I think I would cause there was a connection with her I've never felt before
Dal- you sure it's not just your mind saying quit being a man whore and actually start a relationship
C- maybe
We laughed and talked a little more then I put my stuff in my room and got ready for bed considering I have a hockey game tomorrow. Well we all do actually considering my roommates are also my teammates so I'm surprised they're not going to bed as well but that's their own deal but since I'm captain I shouldn't be a tired or hungover mess . In the morning I walked out to the kitchen to get something to eat just to see gabe on the phone with a concerned dalton sitting next to him
C- what's wrong
Dal- I don't know if anything is necessarily wrong but he's on the phone with his sister to get the scoop on their mom
C- ohhh
We knew of his sister I had never personally met her but I know Dalton has but we both knew things were rough back home so we always did our best to be there for him when he had these calls
G- it's going to be ok sis no change is a good change in a sense
G- I don't know
G- I have a game today
G- I love you sis I'll talk to you later
G- bye
He hung up and sighed
C- everything ok
G- as ok as it could be mom hasn't gotten worse but she hasn't gotten better either
Dal- and how's Lauren
G- stressed out and wants me to come home which makes me feel really bad but I can't
C- I'm sorry man
G- it's ok but lets change the topic please
Dal- sooo todays game
We both laughed at daltons way of changing the topic but we talked about the game nonetheless . Soon enough the game was in full swing and it was clear gabe was putting all his emotions into the game slamming into any player possible getting into a couple fights scored a couple goals which made me happy he had this outlet. I scored a couple goals as well as Dalton so we of course won and as we were celebrating I watched as couples in the crowd kissed and my teammates who had girlfriends skated over to them kissing them and it made me think about the girl once again and think maybe Dalton was right maybe I really do just want to be in a relationship again.

From one night stand to happily ever after Where stories live. Discover now