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Coles pov

I can't believe the girl I haven't been able to get off my mind and the girl I felt something with that I've never felt before not only is the little sister of my best friend meaning generally off limits but she lied to me! She told me her name was ashley which it's obviously not it's Lauren ! And to find out this way to find out with her standing in front of me looking just as shocked . I know my reaction is raising questions because Dalton has already tried asking but I was able to dodge it all by focusing on warming up for the game then the game itself but now it's over we won but it's time to go home and while I would like to just go out to put things off a little longer I couldn't due to having class early in the morning. I went home sneaking inside and heading to my room to shower then I just chilled in there for as long as I could then I went out to the kitchen thankfully avoiding the guys but she joined me
L- h h hi
C- funny I don't remember you stuttering or being this shy last time we were around each other
L- you're mad
C- what was your first clue Lauren you lied to me
L- in my defense I didn't expect to see you again let alone live with you
C- so what you just give out fake names everywhere you go
L- no just in those scenarios
C- why
L- because then in the rare instances when I'm at a party thrown by a mutual friend it won't get back to gabe I was there
C- he doesn't know you're a party goer
L- oh god no he would never allow it and if he knew how i dressed or drank while there or begged guys to sleep with me he would kill me
C- why couldn't you tell me that night
L- because like I said I never expected to see you again
C- so just cause you expected me to be just another one night stand you saw it as ok to do
L- don't act like you didn't treat me like just another girl wanting you like I wasn't just another one night stand as well
C- that's besides the point
L- how huh how is it ok for you to treat me like I'm just another lay if I'm not allowed to see you the same way
C- it just is
L- that's the worst reasoning I've ever heard
C- sorry you feel that way
L- ughhh
And with that she stormed off back to her room. Was I a bit of an ass during that conversation yes yes I was but it was either that or explain how she wasn't just another lay I wanted more with her but there was no way she would listen there was no way the conversation would make a difference so I went the asinine route and I just hope this doesn't blow up back in my face!

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