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Coles pov

I can't believe she's pregnant I found this news out two weeks ago yet here I am still completely baffled by it all. I'm completely on board and happy with the news but just shocked . Right now I was in the midst of warming up and I looked over at Lauren who was sitting in her usual seat wearing one of my hoodies and leggings and her converse. This is how she generally shows up to games ever since she's pregnant I don't know if she is trying to hide her tummy from everyone or if it's cause most of her clothes are form fitted or what cause I don't want to ask her and risk her thinking that I'm asking because there's something wrong with it because there's not she's still the most beautiful most sexy girl here and well everywhere . Destini was down for the weekend so Lauren has company which makes me happy. Just as we were about to head back to the locker room I skated over to Lauren and leaned over the opening and kissed her and gave her tummy a quick rub then a hug to destini and skated off. Tonight was the final game before the championship round so it all came down to this so I needed to make sure my head was in the game.
Dal- you ready captain
C- of course
Dal- good
We talked and I did my usual captain speech to get everyone hyped up then it was time to head out onto the ice . The game was going well I made some goals or at least assisted on the goals shot by the other guys. There wasn't any fights happening or any bad slamming occurring to me gabe or Dalton instead it happened to Dana and will which shocked me because every game everyone comes after the three of us . We won and Dana suggested having a victory party so we all went and right now Lauren was sitting on the couch with Destini talking while I was in the kitchen drinking with the guys
Dana- funny how last time I had a party you and Lauren were getting busy on my counter and now here you are with her knocked up
C- haha yeah
W- you good bro
C- yeah just thinking
Dal- about
C- about her about the baby about our future
G- these better be good thoughts you better not be thinking about walking out on my baby sister cause I'm not afraid to punch your teeth in
C- relax gabe they're good thoughts I swear trust me I never plan to leave your sister
G- then what thoughts are you having
C- about marrying her
G- are you serious
C- yeah
Dal- you sure it's not too soon
C- let's be honest here mine and her relationship hasn't been the norm a couple hours after meeting we had sex then we finally get together and we said I love you only a couple weeks in we didn't even reach 3 months of being in the relationship before she was pregnant we just go with the flow and go with the moment so I don't see why it would be a bad time
Dana- when are you going to ask her
C- not sure yet I know what I would like to do but I can't guarantee it will happen that way
W- explain
C- at the moment the ideal way and time to propose to her would be after we win the championship
W- dude we don't even know who we're playing against
C- I know but I believe in us I believe in the team we've done it year after year already
Dal- true
C- like I said I know I can't guarantee it will happen but that's the ideal way and time
G- dude I feel safe in saying we will all do what it takes to make sure this goal of yours happens
C- really
G- of course
The rest of the guys all agreed and we did a group hug that Lauren walked in on
L- what's up with the love fest
C- no reason just grateful for their friendship is all
L- oookkk
C- so what's up are you ok
L- yeah I just was missing you
She looked so shy after saying that which made my heart swell and I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her
C- you're so adorable
L- hehe thank youuu
We looked up and the guys were all smiling at us
Dal- did you ditch destini
L- no a guy caught her attention so she went to him so I came to him
Dal- haha ok
I continued to hold her and we talked with the guys a little more then she was tired so I took her home. The guys we're staying a little later and destini had texted Lauren saying she would be back at the house in the morning . Along the drive home Lauren messed with the chair like she did the one night and then ran her hand up my thigh until she was met with my growing hard on
C- you don't seem so tired now
L- hehe I might have used it as an excuse to get us some alone time
C- oh really
L- hehe yeah
C- that's my girl
She giggled and we got home so I took her to my room and undressed her while she undressed me . It wasn't the first time we had sex since I found out but it was the first time I decided to make love to her not just fuck her brains out. I took my time and I took my time showing love to every inch of her body making sure she knows how much I love her body still. When we were done she quickly fell asleep on me which made me laugh and I made sure she was comfortable and tucked in then I fell asleep as well .

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