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Lauren's POV

Ever since the truth was out and we didn't have to beat around the bush I swear me and Cole just argued more and more. Right now I was working on schoolwork when I kept replaying the last argument in my head
L- you're such an ass
C- oh ouch that was sooo hurtful
L- why do you have to be sarcastic about it all
C - because why not that's what assholes do is it not
L- screw you
C- you know you say that in every argument we have is that your way of asking me to screw you again baby girl
L- I would never stoop so low to let you touch me again like that
C- oh don't lie you begged for it that night I know you'll come begging for it again you'll be needy all over again
L- you act like I can't find someone else to do the job
C- you act like I'll let anyone lay their finger on you
L- what are you gonna do
C- hopefully you'll never have to find out
Like what the heck is that supposed to mean? I'm not his girlfriend hell I don't know if I could even consider myself his friend so how is he going to stop me from being with another guy? I sighed and finished my work just in time for gabe to walk in
G- hey sis why the long face
L- just thinking and bored
G- come to our game tonight
L- are you sure
G- yes it's been forever since you've seen me play it would be so nice to have my number one fan back
L- haha ok
He told me he would get me a ticket when he got to the arena and he would leave it with the ticket guy just talk to him and I would be good to go. The guys had more classes then him today so they took their stuff with them this morning where as he was grabbing his now. Once he left I decided to take a bath and relax then I went to my closet to figure out what to wear when I got a evil idea. I pulled out a mini skirt my tights my high heeled boots and a long sleeve shirt. I made sure it was all their colors then added a jacket and a beanie when I was done with my hair and makeup . The heels were a bad idea considering I had to walk but i managed easily . The whole walk of course people stared at me and it was no different when I got to the arena . I got my ticket no problem and grabbed a drink then made my way over to my seat . Both teams were out on the ice warming up and just panning to the crowd and I quickly got attention from the opposing team which I was about to just shoo them off but I quickly realized cole was watching so I gave in
Guy1- how is it that someone as gorgeous as you is in the wrong colors
L- personal reasons
Guy2- you really are beautiful
L- well thank you
Before anyone could say anything else cole and gabe came over icing the two opponents in the process
Guys- get away from her
Guy2- why is she your concern
G- she's my sister
Guy2- now I get the personal reasons comment so what about you is she your girlfriend
Before Cole could say anything I stepped in
L- no I'm not his girlfriend or his concern
G- sis
I looked over at cole and he was angry which just made me smirk and flip my hair over my shoulder
L- since you guys now know why I rep them maybe by the end of the night you'll have me seeing why I should be repping you
Guy1- like based off the game or more afterwards
L- we'll see but I'm thinking more afterwards
Guy 2- both of us
L- if that doesn't intimidate you
Guys- not at all
And after that they had to go back to the back and gabe was just shaking his head and Cole was seething
C- why the hell are you flirting with them
L- because I'm allowed to do so if I want now shouldn't you be warming up
C- this isn't over
He skated away and gabe just looked at me
G- you're playing with fire here sis you realize that right
L- I do haha trust me I had it all in mind when I put this on
G- oookk
L- now go warm up before you get in trouble
G- haha ok
He leaned over and hugged me then skated back to the guys. The game was definitely an interesting one to say the least. Cole was still angry and went after the two guys from earlier as often as possible and they did the same to him. Gabe and Dalton scored a decent amount of times and so did a couple other players I know from previous times like Dana and will. Gabe and the guys won and Cole was a bloody mess in the end but even then he still was the hottest guy I've ever seen which is just not fair! The two guys from earlier came over to me
Guy1- well I know we lost but are you still up for hanging out
L- hehe of course
Guy2- good we'll meet you outside
L- sounds good
I got up from my seat and used the restroom and headed outside just in time for them to head out as well thankfully before gabe and all them were out to see and stop me. These guys were now in suits and without helmets and were really attractive but one a little more then the other.
L- so what do you guys have in mind for us to do
Guys- food
L- haha ok
Guy1- where did you park
L- I didn't I walked here
Guys- in heels
L- yeah
They were in disbelief but moved on and then argued over who I would ride with then just agreed to all go together in one car and then come back later for the other car which made me giggle. We went to Applebees ate and talked and laughed and flirted. I found out their names were David and Kyle but by the end of the night it was obvious me and David had more of a connection so Kyle backed out and took an Uber back to the arena with no hard feelings.
Dav- so honestly what's pendery problem when it comes to you
L- me and him had a one night stand and now awkwardly live with each other due to him being roommates with my brother who I now live with
Dav- so does he want more then
L- don't know don't really care
Dav- haha ok so does this mean it would be unsafe for me to walk you to your door
L- probably unless you want a repeat of what happened on the ice
Dav- haha true but I would like to stay in touch can I get your number
L- of course
We exchanged phones and put our numbers in then I kissed his cheek and headed inside to see all three guys waiting up for me
C- you were with them weren't you
L- maybe
C- what did I say Lauren I told you I will not allow a guy to lay their fingers on you did you not see everything I did just from them flirting with you
L- you sure it was because of that and not just because of your anger issues or maybe another issue cause in case you forgot I know that look
Before he could respond the guys busted up laughing which just made cole more mad and he stormed off.
Dal- honest question now knowing he told you that is that why you went to such lengths tonight
L- duh
G- so you used those guys
L- in a sense but David and I may be starting something soon so not really
Dal- are you serious
L- yeah we had a good time and we exchanged numbers so it's a decent possibility
G- you know if he ever steps foot in this house cole is going to lose his mind right
L- welp
Guys- ookkk
L- now I'm gonna go to bed goodnight boys
Guys- goodnight

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