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Lauren's POV

Once having the conversation with Cole about how I've felt about my body lately I swear any chance he has he is proving just how much he still can't keep his hands off me which makes me happy. I have worn the new clothes still and even if I had any doubt or worry he was doing it all just to prove a point I see the look in his eyes. Just yesterday I wore one of my newest rompers and the look he gave me I could tell he wanted to pin me against the wall and have his way with me. In the midst of all this the guys have continued on with their games and have successfully won every game so far and game 4 is tonight so if they win tonight then they win it all . I was in the midst of doing school work when there was a knock on the door followed by destini walking in
Des- heyyyy
L- hey girl what's up I didn't know you were coming over
Des- well I know tonight is a crucial night so I know the game could be stressful for you so I figured I'd come by and make sure you don't go insane
L- haha well thank you I think
Des- you're welcome so how's schoolwork going
L- alright I guess it's just more boring this way then actual class would be
Des- understandable
We talked a little more about school stuff as I finished up then when I stood up she noticed my baby bump has gotten bigger as I am 4 months now
Des - eee your showing even more I'm so excited
L- haha I'm excited too girl
Des- how are you feeling with everything tho
L- my back is definitely starting to hurt more often I have less energy than I used to but other than that I'm ok
Des- morning sickness
L- thankfully that's passed
Des- ok good
We sat down and talked about random things until it was time to get ready for the game and today I decided to wear Cole's away Jersey since he wasn't needing it tonight along with a skirt and tights underneath and my heeled boots. I straightened my hair then added a beanie and I put some makeup on then we headed out my seat already reserved for me and to my surprise so was Destini's
L- did the guys know you were coming
Des- I don't know I mean I didn't say anything to them about it
L- hmm ok
I guess maybe they figured I would have her come down due to it being potentially the last game of the season I don't know. I shrugged it off and got comfortable and soon enough they came out for warm ups and it didn't take long for cole to come over
C- you look so gorgeous baby
L- hehe thank you
C- I mean it I'm seriously the luckiest man alive
He gave me a long loving kiss that honestly took my breath away and blush like crazy when we pulled away. He smiled then kissed his hand and held it to my stomach as that was the easiest to do with the barriers.
C- I gotta get back to warming up but I love you so much I hope you know that
L- I do but it's always nice to hear
He winked at me and skates off so I sat back down
Des- someone sure is extra lovable today
L- ok so it's not just me thinking that
Des- girl anyone who witnessed that kiss is thinking that
L- haha ok
Soon enough the game was in full swing and David's team was being beyond chippy tonight and it only got worse when they started losing. About halfway through the second period David started trying to fight gabe then would try and fight Dalton and then finally cole and Cole isn't one to turn down a fight and of course the history with David it got bad real quick. Once they could stay separated they were both sent to the penalty box and it seemed like once they were free they just got sent back in for fighting again and just as the period came to an end it was announced that if they fight one more time they will be removed from the rest of the game so before cole headed back to the locker room for intermission I called him over
L- I know it's David and I know he's being chippy and starting everything but you have to stop cole you can't get kicked out of the game
C- I'll stop I swear
L- you better because it's not exactly easy to watch either you know
C- am I stressing you out baby
L- yes
C- I'm so sorry baby that wasn't my intention I'll be good I swear
L- you better
C- I will now I need to get in there before I'm in even more trouble
L- true
And with that he went to the back and I took a few deep breaths trying to calm down. As 3rd period began it was clear cole meant it when he said he was going to be good but it was clear David was far from being done clearly not caring if he gets kicked out of the game probably because it's clear the season will be over after tonight since they are down by 7 points and been a struggle to even get one  within the two periods so gabe has gone over and taken care of David so cole wouldn't have to and if he wasn't on the ice Dalton did it and to my surprise even Dana and will jumped in a few times and they never get in fights . The more time kept ticking down the more the crowd was getting antsy in anticipation for the win we were down to the last 3 minutes and just about everyone was on their feet cheering the team on and holding onto those they were with and me and Destini were no different we were standing I was holding onto her trying to relax and not get too worked up watching everything
Crowd- 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The buzzer went off and it was official and the crowd and the team went crazy! Of course David and his team stormed out of there immediately which I'm glad cause I don't need them trying to ruin the celebration. The team took team pictures with the trophy and each player skated around with the trophy then there was a media portion and they interviewed Dalton then gabe as they are the assistant captains as well as some of the big stars of the game then it was Cole's turn and a lot of it was the same questions the others got but then it took a turn
Reporter- you guys have always been unstoppable and have won year after year but something seems different this time captain you seem to be even more determined even stronger
C- that would probably be because I have a special someone who's been by my side for half of the season cheering me on driving me to be a better player a better captain and well if I'm being honest a better man
Reporter - how sweet is this special someone here
C- of course and while we are talking about said special someone there's something I need to get of my chest
He has glanced over to me a few times in those answers but now his focus was on me completely
C- Lauren I love you I love you more then I've ever loved anyone in my entire life I knew you were the one for me from day one. I can't imagine my life without you and I honestly hope I never have to
In the midst of his speech gabe and Dalton had skated over to me and just chilled in front of me so of course by now everyone who didn't know yet knew he was talking about me and well to me so all eyes were on me.
C- and what I'm trying to say is baby girl will you marry me can we make the last name you're wearing yours
I couldn't believe what I was hearing I started tearing up and I couldn't trust my voice so I nodded my head repeatedly and the guys yelled she said yes which made the crowd go crazy all over again. And by now the reporter let Cole be excused so he skated over to me and kissed me like he did earlier
L- I love you
C- I know hehe i love you too in case that wasn't obvious just now
I giggled and wrapped my arms around him the best I could and kissed him again. He pulled away and the guys went to go change so we could get out of there and the plan was to head back to our house for a celebratory party in the aspect of the game and the proposal. When we got outside to wait for the guys I realized this was why cole was being strange leading up to this this is why they pushed so hard
L- did you know he was going to propose
Des- yes I did honestly that's why i came down and how they knew to have my seat saved I'm sorry I lied
L- no worries honestly I'm glad you were here for it all one because this is a big moment I can't think of a better way to spend it then with my bestie and two let's be honest I wasn't getting through that game without you
Des- haha very true
We hugged and once the guys came over to us cole immediately wrapped his arms around me holding me and I did the same to him. I looked up at him and kissed him and just enjoying the moment . I can't believe I actually get to marry him and have a happily ever after with him!

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