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Lauren's POV

When I woke up I noticed I was in bed but also changed out of the dress and into sweats and a old school shirt. I laid there thinking about everything that happened last night from everything with David to making out with Cole and how much I want to head to his room and finish that kiss with his door locked so gabe can't ruin it again but is that really a smart idea. I tried to put the thoughts to the side and I went on my phone only to see tons of messages from David
Dav- baby I'm sorry about last night I acted terribly I don't know why I did that
Dav- it was wrong of me to go after gabe just to make you mad I was being petty and I'm truly truly sorry I hope you can forgive me
Dav- I know I was an ass by walking out with the girl pulling her close to me while looking at you but it didn't mean anything she didn't mean anything nothing even happened with her
Dav- please talk to me
Ughhhh this does not make things easier this does not fix the mess but I answered him.
L- you're right you were being an ass but we're not technically together so if you want to go with her I don't care and you're right you were being petty and so much more
Dav- I know we're not but still it was wrong and I know and I'm really sorry
L- the fact you can go and be that petty that easily makes me think this could easily happen again at any time and I don't know if I want to deal with that and while we're being honest I'm not so sure you don't already have a handful of girls at your whim already girls you haven't said the same lines to given your Jersey to and again you're free to do so but I don't think I can handle that like I thought
Dav- so what does this mean
L- it means I need time to think
Dav- take as much time as you need
Of course now he wants to be the sweet David again and complicate everything some more . I put my phone down seeing as it wasn't helping the thinking so I went to the kitchen only to find cole in there shirtless and shorts hanging off his hips lower then normal fuck my life!
C- good morning sleepy head
L- haha good morning how did you sleep
C- not so good
L- why
C- I got in a bit of a fight with your brother last night and I mean just words no hits or anything cause I can see the panic in your eyes
The fact he caught on so fast made my heart beat faster than it was from the sight of him.
L- why
C- because of the kiss and because he isn't ok with you and me being anything or doing anything
L- oh
C- I'm not going to let him stop us tho if you decide you want to be with me I'm going to be with you I won't let him get in the way
L- cole
C- not trying to overstep or freak you out just simply stating the truth
L- oookk well I'm sorry for causing the argument in a sense
C- no need to be sorry
We talked a little more neither one of us bringing up thoughts about the kiss the only mention was saying that's why him and gabe argued and honestly I'm glad but it doesn't make this easier it doesn't make the urge to go around the counter and have him kiss me again go away instead the more I sit here talking to him looking at it gets harder and harder to control so I had to get out of there . I went back to my room changed my clothes then left the house altogether. I ended up at their practice rink since it had open skate right now and I rented skates and starting going. As I was skating I couldn't help but think about mom considering she's who taught us how to skate we were both good but gabe was the only one to continue with it it wasn't long after we learned that he started up with hockey . In the midst of it all I realized her funeral was in the next couple days and I wasn't ready like yes I've been busy and managed to have my mind elsewhere since then but that doesn't mean I'm ready to officially say goodbye. The tears were starting to roll down so I got off the ice before my vision became too blurry and I get hurt or hurt someone else. I was on my way to just turn in my skates and head home but I stopped in my tracks when I saw on the other rink here gabe was practicing alone so I put my skates back on and headed over to him icing him in the process making me giggle
G- what are you doing here
L- like in the arena or on your ice specifically
G- haha both I guess
L- well I needed out of the house I needed to clear my head after yesterday so I came here and well I'm on your ice because i noticed you here and well I could use my big brother right now cause I can't help but think about mom right now
G- oh sis
L- I can't do it gabe I can't say goodbye to her in just a few days
G- it will be ok we can get through it together
He hugged me which caused me to cry again and in the midst of it all I couldn't help but cry more that this man who has always done his best to make sure I'm happy won't be ok with me potentially being with his friend therefore leading me to be miserable I really don't get it!

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