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Coles pov

Ever since the one conversation with Lauren I have been nice I have been her friend just like I said I would. Did it kill me that she was technically with him yes yes it did but I pushed through because all that mattered to me was that she was happy. But tonight I saw that come to a crashing halt like I know what he did involving the other girl bugged her she says it didn't she says he's allowed to do that and so is she as they weren't an actual couple but I can tell she wanted to be. But even if that wasn't the case the fact he seemed to seek out gabe just to get under her skin all because she didn't want to go against him tonight was just wrong. The party was a good way for her to relax but it seemed like the party also made her think about me a lot think about what happened last time and that was evident when she started messing with the seat I know she didn't mean to do it cause she was embarrassed by the questions that followed but we got through it. Once the guys were drunk and I was able to talk to her myself things changed things felt the way they did the one night the connection was strong the feelings were right on the surface and I wasn't going to hide that so it of course led to us making out and I know before I said I wasn't worried about gabe and that I would handle him but honestly I'm not so sure that's true. When he caught us the look he gave us was nothing like I'd ever seen before. We all left and Lauren fell asleep and I was going to carry her inside but gabe told me not to touch her and he got it and that I needed to help get Dalton inside which made me roll my eyes but I understood. Once Dalton was in his room I headed to mine and sat on my bed just thinking
"Knock knock"
G- hey man let me in we need to talk
Oh god I knew this was coming but I figured like tomorrow. I sighed and got up and let him in and went and sat back down
C- look gabe I know you're probably mad I know you didn't expect to walk in there and see that but
G- just shut up I know you two fucked already i did my best to get that knowledge out of my head only to witness that after you two said you would be good
C- we were good it was only a kiss
G- when I said be good I didn't want anything happening
C- well I'm sorry but I don't regret anything I've done with her I like your sister a lot and you know that you heard me say how I wanted to start a relationship with her the next day after I met her so by now the feelings have only gotten stronger
G- she's with someone you made her cheat
C- first of all I didn't make her do anything everytime these things have happened it's been based off what she wants and second of all they're not even an actual relationship
G- says you
C- no she told me that she told me many times tonight that he's allowed to do what he wants and so is she
G- whatever
C- what's the problem here gabe like the honest problem is it the fact you had to see her acting different from her normal innocent self in front of you is it the fact she wants me just as much as I want her
G- just because she makes out with you and everything doesn't guarantee she wants to be in a relationship with you
C- maybe not but I can tell she does I know her I know what she's thinking without her saying it or even looking in her eyes most times
G- whatever
C- so your problem is that she'll be with me isn't it
G- you're my best friend it's weird
C- she'll be safe with me I won't hurt her I won't make her cry like he did I also won't do loose terms just to make sure I can still fuck around with others like he does and you know that
G- I know
C- then what's wrong with it
G- I don't know but it's gotta stop
And before I could say anything he walked out leaving me so confused. I know nothing is happening at the moment so to speak but knowing he wouldn't be ok if it did doesn't set well with me because I feel like if he isn't ok with it lauren will never go for it ughhhh. I sighed and got changed and went to bed hoping for more clear answers from him and hopefully some from Lauren as well.

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