Chapter 2: Surge x Spurious

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"I am the 'terrifying' incarnation of sin, The Devil.
I am the undying damnation who cannot yet settle.
With that fact, I am too greatly hated.
It's funny, I may just be fated,
To be hurled,
Into a world,
Where I am incarcerated,
As all great Seven Sins.
Yet, this is where it... begins.

- :|: - Degenerate x Surge - :|: -


Blinking, Issei found himself still within the Dimensional Gap. However, what caught his eyes was the Beast before him. What gave the Beast's name away, however, was the morbid aura it radiated; it was the same as the blackness he had spoken to. However, instead of blackness, Issei could make out a size that was larger than Great Red. It had seven necks, heads, tails and ten horns. It's body and limbs, if it was simply that, was composed of various animals and beings covered in various spots with midnight black fur-quite fitting for its title, The Forbidden Black Emperor Beast of Apocalypse.

The seven necks shifted, moving the heads towards Issei's direction when noticing his shifting-awakening.

ArE yOu ReAdY?

...Issei wasn't sure for what. Nonetheless, he nodded, albeit slowly, unable to find it in himself to speak in such a vile and suffocating aura.


That sound confused him.

Do NoT LiE tO mE. yOu WiSh To SeE yOuR lOvErS.

Issei's voice came to him at that statement. He set aside the meaning the word of "lovers" and knew who It meant.

Does that mean I can-


The Trihexa and Its aura shifted around him, pushing him, jeering at him, laughing at him-mocking him with Its many voices.

RiZeViM's MeMoRiEs SuRe ArE InTrEsInG.

Offhandedly, It mentioned Issei's antithesis. Hearing his name, Issei couldn't help but have anger surge through him as an electric-blue fiery wisp materialized above a horn and flickered with what he supposed were images of Rizevim's memories. Even under the oppressive aura, Issei found himself unable to steady his anger at the almost bored mention of the Super Devil. It was Rivezim's fault that the whole world was in the mess in the first place! I-If Rivezim Lucifer didn't exist, none of his problems wouldn't even be considered. Vali-though Issei didn't necessarily hate him-wouldn't have been born, sure, but most of the world's problems probably wouldn't exist!

I wOnDeR, wHaT wOuLd HaPpEn If I gAvE tHeM tO YoU.


He NeVeR aCtUaLlY DiEd, Ya' KnOw? He WaS gOiNg To SiT iT oUt AnD wAtCh HiS wOrLd CrUmBlE.

T-That sick Fuck! Issei couldn't believe it. After everything he has done, after he and the world has gone through, he still did not die?!

-So I kIlLeD hIm.

That revelation shocked Issei enough that his mouth fell open.

LeT's StArT.

That was Trihexa's only warning before Rivezim's wisp entered him.

...Issei couldn't move, feel or anything. His senses were thrown into a loop, switch off and on at various and irregular periods. His vision blurred so the around him looked even more dream-like than ever. He wasn't sure what was happening until it happened. He tried to move, feeling sick as he felt cold, despite having a flame enter his soul. He began shivering, in such a cold, he actually felt hot-burning even. While his physical draconian body was, in all purposes, dead, his mind went under a fissure attack, gaining memories that weren't his own as he felt to his knees, still shaking. Then, ultimately, he fell onto his face, looking as if he was having a vicious spasm.

Devil lost in another world from zeroUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum