Chapter 9 the devil and the demon

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The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.... thud
Subaru just fainted  and another
thud, Emilia, as well

"Uh, I am getting better at this 2 for one." Issei said amusement

"How intriguing," Roswaal commented. "If the two of them had intended to be married at the time of this incident, then your property and interests would be unified under law. That would even arguably allow them to carry each other insignias."

"Exactly. I haven't been doing all that research for nothing." Said Issei with pride
Issei continueson and says "Subaru … future wife,"  asked her and his loyal companion Felt, who belongs to his faction, to hold her insignia for her while she went shopping because she was worried about pickpockets. They had a fun filled day in the city and then went to see Felt's grandfather in the slums. Elsa found us, and then, well, Reinhard can tell the rest of the story."

"Sir Reinhard will be asked to give testimony," Roswaal mused. "Can he confirm your account, or is he willing to be… flexible with his recollections?"

Reinhard's eyes widened. Will my Lord command me to lie? This is the proverbial knight trap. Whether I obey and lie under oath or whether I refuse to follow my Lord's instructions, I am disgraced regardless. I could be stricken of my knighthood or even imprisoned.

"I highly doubt Subaru would ask you to lie, Reinhard," Issei said firmly. "You weren't present when Emilia and we met, right?"

"No," Reinhard replied.

"Then you can neither confirm nor deny Emilia and my account of that meeting. You also didn't meet Felt until the end of the day, and I doubt she said much about our 'relationship' while he was bleeding out so you can't confirm or refute that either. If you tried to testify about what you suspect without any evidence to back it up, that would be… "what's the word?"" Purgatory or something?"

"Perjury," Roswaal corrected mildly.

"Yeah, that thing," Issei said with a shrug. "Tell the truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth. The reality is you weren't present for anything they would be interested in."

Reinhard flushed awkwardly. "I… have no certain knowledge that would contradict any of your statements. If I were under oath, I could only confirm and refute the parts I know."

"Splendid," Roswaal murmured.

At this, too, groans were heard as Emilia and Subaru got up. After a min, Issei gave him and her a recap on what his plan was and to see what they thought.

After a minute of thinking it over, they hesitantly agreed.

"Great, I believe this meeting over right." Asked Issei
Roswaal gave a simple nod at this
"Splendid, now it's time to get your ass into shape." said Issei as he drug Subaru to the court yard to get started with his first training session.

At the court yard, Emilia, Kiyomi, Ophis, and Reinhard were on sidelines watching curiosity on how this training would go.

Subaru sat in front of Issei and asked what he planned for the training he was about to do.
"Firstly, let's get you a good schedule working here. You will be training at least 5 hours a day, I don’t care when in the day it is as long as you are at least 5 hours in."
"Secondly, I will build you up before I start teaching hand-hand combat and how to
conjure magic since you're a devil now you can conjure all types of elements." Said Issei
At this, everyone gasps at this, "Now then." Issei puts gravity seals on Subaru arm and legs 5× the earth gravity."

Whoa! Said Subaru in a strained voice

"You're not allowed to take those off in less it's an emergency, and they get stronger the more you adapt with them. Now let's see I want you to do 4 laps around this manor then a 10 min break  then 100 each of squats, lunge, cross climber taps, push ups, shoulder taps, sit ups, sitting twists,
and lately get ups. You can take a break from each set if you want, and I don't care what order you do them in as long as you get it done." Issei said evilly

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