Information & appearance

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^ appearance up above

Name: Hyoudou Issei

Power level
Top 10 strongest in the anime universe

Current Title:
Red Dragon Emperor
Welsh Dragon
The Strongest Red Emperor Dragon in History
The Most Dangerous Red Dragon Emperor
Crimson Heavenly Dragon
Crimson Dragon Emperor
The Demonic Dragon Who Manifested the Power of Infinity and Dreams
Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth

Race: Half Devil God, Half Dragon God

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

As the Last Devil, Issei is the strongest Devil in existence. He has vast control over nature itself, conjuring thunderstorms, earthquakes, and tornados with a thought. He can also use telekinesis to tear a person apart or blow them away with the shockwave of his screams. He has been described as a walking natural disaster. His power over Blue Flames, which are the flames of creation themselves, allow him to mold reality into whatever form that he chooses.

Superhuman strength
As the God of all Devils, Issei possesses immense strength, giving him the ability to carelessly drag someone like Rin with ease and rip off his own fingers with no difficulty.
Issei still has
Boosted Gear
Ascalon II
Ascalon II Prototype
Dragon Shot
Flame Blaze
Dress Break
Nyuutron Beam Cannon

Other abilities he may learn in this story are
Dark Wisdom: This ritual-type skill allows to increase the number of spells one can learn
Despair Aura, I
Despair Aura II
Despair Aura III
Despair Aura IV
Despair Aura V
Electric Immunity
High Tier Magic Immunity III
High Tier Physical Immunity III
Ice Immunity
Negative Protection
Speak Evil Tongues
Status Damage Ⅳ
Slashing Damage Resistance V
Piercing Damage Resistance V
Creation: It is a super-tier spell that can change the terrain itself. It was used to guard against the heat of volcanoes or the cold of freezing lands.
Fallen Down: Upon casting the super-tier spell, It calls upon a huge pillar of blue light from the sky that will burn so bright and hot that it will appear like the whole world has turned white. After a few seconds, it will leave behind an area burned to a cinder, devoid of life. This spell deals massive damage
Iä Shub-Niggurath: using this super-tier spell to summon a black cyclone that instantly kills everything in its field of range. This spell inflicts an instant-death


Name: Ophis

Level: Top 10 strongest in the anime universe

Current Title: Ouroboros Dragon
Infinite Dragon God
The Strongest Existence (by Ddraig before the introduction of Great Red and 666)
The Ultimate Dragon (by Irina before introduction of Great Red)
Phis (by Kunou)
Dragon of Infinity
The Jet-Black God of Infinity

Race: Dragon God

Alignment: Neutral

Immense Strength: As a Dragon God, Ophis is the strongest being in the world not counting Great Red,[6] exceeding the Heavenly Dragons in their prime combined, with Ddraig stating her power is infinite. In fact, despite losing a large portion of her power due to Samael and becoming "finite", it was stated that she was still twice as strong as Ddraig and Albion, with her stating that she felt "weak" despite that level of power. Since losing her original strength, her powers became unstable, releasing destructive power that had annihilated everything. A normal slap from Ophis can cause destructive results, sending a yeti flying and causing Nurarihyon great pain after slapping his butt. Ophis in her prime would be equivalent to the likes of Great Red and Trihexa. It is stated that if Ophis and Lilith fight together, they can access all of Ophis' former power; with their power being infinite.[7]

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