chapter 12 the alliance

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Anastasia, Emilia, and Subaru made it to the arena. Emilia jaw dropped at Ophis mature form, while Subaru blushes heavily at the smoking hot goth chic - what a min he thought and took a closer look
while Anastasia ran to Julius corpse.

Ophis nee-chan!? Subaru exclaimed in shock while he made his over to her and Issei with Emilia following along.

Ophis stopped her conversation she was having with Issei trying to figure out what was going to happen now since she killed a knight even though it was dual to death.

"Oh hey Subaru-kun, Emilia-Chan, you must be a bit confused. Why am I in this form."
She said softly

"Fuck me her voice is so erotic and mature what I do to he- Subaru thought with a lecherous look on his face until.


Issei smaked him across the head eyes still twitching with annoyance that Subaru was looking at his wife like that.

"I understand that you got urges, trust me been their done that but since you were looking all hot and bothered I guess we can up you training by 20%. Issei said with a sadistic look in his eye.

At this Subaru paled considerably and quickly shook his head no

Giggling at this, "Oh don't give him such a hard time dear." Ophis said lightly

Ummm Ophis-chan why are you in this form again. Emilia asked timidly 

Oh, yes sorry about that l, in simple turns its hard to control my power in my adult from since am am lot more expressive and emotional but it helps since its easier to battle in and in my younger form helps to suppress my powers while remaining expressionless
If that makes sense. She lightly explained

At this, Emilia nodded and was about to get to the issue at hand and ask how this dual started

Suddenly, Anastasia stomped her way over and pointed angrily at Ophis and demanded an explanation for this mess with tears falling down from her eyes.

Deciding to be a peace maker, Issei got in between both women and suggested they take this inside. Everyone somewhat agreed  to this

Scene changes

The Natsuki camp, Crusch camp, and the
Anastasia camp is in  a luxury room with a big oak wooden table in the center with everyone around it. It's been an hour or so of Ophis explaining the events that took place.

"If we're questioning their mock battle, I can't agree with her being in the wrong here, but I can't say I am frilled with the outcome either." Crusch gave her opinion. As she glanced at Felix, who was barely hiding his contempt at Ophis.

"Am a bit confused here, Julius challenge Issei, to a death match. Obviously, we know Ophis took his place in the match, but isn't this a bit much for one knight's death" Stated Subaru

At this, Reinhard steps up and proceeds to explain to his lord who the man was
"He is a member of the royal guard and a Lugunica's nobility on top of that one of the best Knight of the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica beside myself." Stated Reinhard

Be it has it may, I will demand compensation for this. Anastasia said after she calmed down a bit.

Issei and Subaru look in disbelief at this woman's audacity, but soon Issei sighed, figuring it wasn't worth it, to argue with the woman. He put his hand up, silencing his friend protest, and looked at Anastasia
" I believe I got something to help you out for your new body guard. Do you remember the report of the village of Arlem in Master Roswaal's domain came under attack by forces from the Kingdom of Gusteko."
At this, Anastasia slowly nodded, while Crusch eyes gleamed, and Subaru and Emilia eyes widened, not having heard this report yet.
"Well to be honest with you it was my other wife/mate that took care of the attack she a bit of free spirit type of woman but I can ask to see if she willing to be your guard for a bit."

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