Chapter 4 The Shut-In & The Laid-back Devil

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"Huh?! How come my peerless attacks failed?! Where's the power I'm supposed to have?!"

"What sort of crap are you spouting?! How dare you do that to us?!"

They stomped his head into the ground, causing his forehead to bleed as it scraped against the road. Subaru desperately curled up as they continued to pile on blow after blow.

―This is bad. It hurts like hell. I might actually die, for real.

Issei was about to give the signal to Ophis when suddenly a girl came running along
"Hey, move move move! You're in my way!"

An exasperated voice rang out as someone ran into the alley. The startled men looked up at the intruder, and Subaru attempted to do so as well, though he couldn't move.

A beautiful girl crossed his field of view.

Her frame was small, and she possessed shoulder-length blonde hair that fluttered in the wind. Her eyes suggested a strong will, and her fang-like canine protruded mischievously. She looked rather cheeky, but it could be said that she was cute considering her age.

The shabbily dressed girl had just come across the scene of a genuine mugging.

The seemingly deliberate timing caused hope to well up within Subaru. This was it, the development he was waiting for. Following the typical pattern, this kind girl would gallantly save Subaru, who was on the verge of death, and then-

"Man, this is crazy. But I'm busy, gotta get outta here! Live strong!"

"Eh? What?! Seriously?!"

Issei started laughing his ass off as he caught the attention of the 3 thugs plus his friend who seemed to forget he was there

"Damn bro, you got shitty luck, that's for sure. I guess I start to help you out now. Hopefully, you learned a lesson from this." Says Issei has he signal Ophis to stop their movements.
The thugs get annoyed by this and shouting at Issei, "What's a brat and little girl going to do to u-" sudden they couldn't move, they couldn't speak at all.

A flicker of a second, the whole alleyway, plus a couple of blocks all way around, was drowning in killer inten. "apologies but can you shut the fuck up, I do have a bad temper you see and I would hate to accidentally kill you and get blood on my shoes." Says Issei with a deathly smile on his face, he then pulls out a candy bar from a portal and gives it to Ophis and pats her head. "Good job Ophis your getting better with this technique." Says Issei as he misses the cute blush that appears on her face as he walks to Subaru and helps him up." Scared shitlist from what he felt from his friend "W-What was that feeling of dread I felt from you man." Says Subaru "Relax I just leak a bit of my power to scare them a bit, surprised there not pass out right now. Here, let me start healing you." As the scraps and bruises start to heal slowly.

Suddenly a new voice was heard at the entrance of the alley way, at the same time Issei signal to Ophis to let the thugs go, which she just gave a small nod and continues to enjoy her treat.

"―That's enough, villains."

A clear voice rang through the alley 'Time itself stopped', a phrase reserved for moments like this. At the entrance to the alley stood a single girl.

She was a beautiful girl.

She had tied up her long silver hair which reached her hips, her piercing gaze was brimming with intelligence, her soft features were both seductive and youthful and she exuded an air of nobility that was dangerously charming. She had tied up her long silver hair which reached her hips, her piercing gaze was brimming with intelligence, her soft features were both seductive and youthful and she exuded an air of nobility that was dangerously charming. She stood about 160 centimeters tall, her royal blue-toned garments weren't particularly flashy, and yet their simplicity emphasized her presence even further. The one conspicuous feature was the emblem on her coat, a bird resembling a hawk, and even its magnificence was nothing more than a supplement to her sublime beauty.

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