Chapter 3 Devil lost in another world from zero

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Issei opens his eyes, and by the sight that meets him.

There are demihumans walking around as if this is completely normal. There are these weird lizard looking thingies pulling carriages, and the city that you are in appears to be medieval.

Currently, he notices he in alley way, with Ophis checking over him.

Issei asked Ddraig w-weakly, "What's going on, Ddraig?"
[ Ddraig sighed tiredly "currently Partner we in another world, I just finished a discussion with ophis here, and long story short, this was her best opti-
They were currently interrupted when a kid that was down on his luck with scary looking eyes came walking through and took notice of them.

"Hey, you alright, man."

Issei gets up with some help from ophis and replies with a grin. "Nothing too serious, just had the fight of my life."

"I see. Well, I guess introductions are in order."
Subaru cleared his throat and then spun on the spot, striking a pose as he thrust his finger into the sky.

"My name is Natsuki Subaru! I'm utterly lost and completely broke! Nice to meet you!

Both Issei and Ophis give him a deadpan stare~ "Sighning, Issei introduces himself along with Ophis
"My name Issei Hyoudou, and before I go into more depth, this may sound weird, but do you happen to come from Japan? I can see that you have a tracksuit on, and it doesn't look like people from this place wear those."

Subaru looked up, eyes wide in shock. "Wait. Do you know about Japan? I'm not the only one who got summoned to this fantasy world?"

Issei tilts his head in confusion
"Fantasy world, do you not know about the supernatural in our world as well? Subaru gives him a blank stare, then exclaims in shock. "The supernatural is real?!"

Ugh, groan Issei, "this is going to take some explaining to do." He muttered

(Since am lazy am do a time skip on this)

1 hour goes by with Issei explaining about the 3 big fractions Angels, fallen Angels, Devils, dragons, and lastly, the gods of every major religion.

"So let me get this straight," says Subaru
"You're a half super Devil half Humanoid Red Dragon Emperor, and the little girl over there is your mate, and she the Infinite Dragon God Ophis, and not to mention every major religion/myth is basically real
I'm not gonna lie. That's kinda hard to take in much less to believe." Subaru says nervously

Issei chuckles "yeah I understand it's a bit hard to believe. If you want, I can share some of my memories from the beginning on how all of it became to be."

"I g-guess," Subaru says hesitantly

"No need to be on edge. What I am about to show you is how I became a devil. It is a couple of centuries or so ago, I believe." Says Issei has he flicks his finger to Subaru head.

(Subaru is basically seeing highschool dxd season 1)

While that's going on, Issei truns his attention to Ophis and pats her head " I appreciate you helping me out Ophis but I do got a couple of questions firstly the 5 seals you put on me that look like tribal tattoo on his forearm up to his shoulder and secondly why you brought me to this world?"

She smiles at his affection but still answers in a monotonous voice
"Are world was destroyed by the Apocalyptic Beast 666 (Trihexa), so I just picked one universe at random, I mange to save you and Great Red by sealing her into you with her consent, also those seals have a secondary purpose, they help regulate your new power after 666 made you absorb every single Devil in existence."

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