Chapter 8

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The brunch was really nice, I was happy to see everyone with their moms. It was so cute and adorable. I always wondered what it was like to have a mom and it was nice to watch them. I was almost pretending Mrs Reynolds was worried about me and my health as she told Julian off for smoking.

Rosie gave Mrs Reynolds a gift too and it was sweet how she referred to her as her daughter. Mrs Kattan seemed to rather swallow spiders instead.

Kain marched me out after he yelled at his mother. They all gave me sympathy looks and I didn't like it. I guess being an orphan might be easier? I had vague memories of being with my parents and Zade. I wouldn't be able to picture their faces. I never saw them again after they took me. Zade said he wanted to kill them if he ever found them always for what they put us through.

I always wondered where they were.. maybe if I had a mom my life wouldnt be crumbling around me right now.

I checked my bank account knowing I could pay rent this month but I had to figure something out. I couldnt tell Kain I lost my job. He would do his charity stuff again and it pissed me off. I made Rosie promise she wouldnt tell.

"Kain, its fine. Im not offended." I say as he got in his car and started driving off.

"My mom just does bullshit like this all the time. I do not know why?" He says. "I dont want you to fall out with her over me Kain... thats your mother."

"I dont wanna talk about it anymore." He says. "Do you have work today?"

"No." I say and he nods. We head back to the penthouse and I hang out with Kain all afternoon and night as we laid around watching Netflix.

Kain ignored his friends who wanted to go out and get drunk and we binge watched Netflix having a good time.

I found myself tangling in Kain on the sofa under some blankets as he pressed his lips on mine, the show playing in the background. We have missed a lot of the show and kept rewinding because we'd start getting touchy. I was starting to think Kain was just using the show as breaks in between us having sex all day.

I hear the door opening around 1am and the loudness of Kain's friends. Kain sighs letting go of me making me laugh.

"Ayooooo." Kai says smiling at us.

"You guys becoming hermits." Julian says as he plopped down next to us. They all seemed drunk and high somewhat. I had sat up and pulled the blanket over me.

"You guys disappeared." Roman says. "Sorry about my mom Zara..."

"Its fine. Shes right? Theyre not dead?" I chuckle and he just rolled his eyes.

"You guys missed the grande finale... Stella might be pregnant." Kai says and they laugh.  "What do you mean might be? She is for sure pregnant."

"She cant be pregnant she is a med student?" Kain says and they laugh. Theyre whole identity was being med students apparently.

"She wasnt drinking. She felt sick. She was saying there might be a small possibility but didn't deny it. My mom made her go do a pregnancy test as we left."

"Lets call Christopher." Kai says as he gets his phone out to call his brother. "You wanna bet hes going to mention Med school?"

"Lets take a shot if he mentions med school." Rosie says getting up running to get a bottle and cups. She fills it in and hands everyone one as Kai calls his brother.


"Some of us have early morning." Christopher says. "Its 2am?"

84th floor.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora