Untitled Part 6

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After losing herself in her work at the desk, time seemed to slip away from Milia like sand through her fingers. It wasn't until the bright sunlight outside had dimmed to a faint glow that she realized she couldn't make out the words on the paper anymore. With a heavy sigh, she decided it was time to take a break and search for some food and candles in the dining hall.

Walking from the corridor to the dining hall's entrance, Milia was greeted by the gentle moonlight spilling onto the courtyard grass, accompanied by the soothing melody of nocturnal birds. In the distance, she noticed a dark figure moving inside the dining hall; he was attempting to escape through the window. Beyond lay a path leading to the courtyard wall and the back door. Milia, realizing she hadn't brought her sword with her, called out, "Who goes there? Stop!"

The figure paused momentarily, startled, before hastily fleeing through the window and disappearing into the night. Milia gave chase, driven by an inexplicable courage even though she lacked weaponry. This was her sanctuary, her haven, and she refused to be intimidated by intruders. Though the man vanished into the darkness, Milia remained undeterred, determined to uncover the truth behind Kenny's mysterious death.

The morning in Laurence unfolded as it always did, with sunlight piercing through the clouds, casting a golden glow over everything. Milia packed her belongings in her room, carefully stowing away her clothes and unread scrolls in a soft leather backpack. She also packed some pastries provided by Mrs. Antai for the journey ahead. After organizing her things, she slung the backpack over her shoulders and stepped out into the courtyard, feeling a pang of sadness as she closed the oak gate. Was this the last time she'd leave this beautiful home? Would she ever have the chance to return? Uncertainty clouded her thoughts. But one thing Milia knew for certain: from this moment on, she was reverting to the young, independent Milia of years past, navigating the world on her own. She had hoped she wouldn't have to return to such a nomadic life, but as fairy tales often go, endings aren't always happy.

Alec awaited her in a corner of the square. Upon seeing Milia, he nodded and led her down a secluded alleyway. Milia was grateful for Alec's assistance; without him, her investigation would stall. They briskly navigated through narrow alleys, where craftsmen were toiling away, forging and repairing weapons and harnesses. Many of the houses were small and dimly lit, some serving as storage units.

Alec brought Milia to an abandoned shed, where he had found an empty room. Inside, there was nothing except a few rickety wooden frames on the floor, barely suitable for a makeshift bed. Milia placed her leather pack on one of the frames, then glanced out the window. The area was secluded, distant from other sheds, providing the perfect hiding spot.

Milia heard the latest news from Alec. The Cheno tribe claimed their messenger had suddenly fallen ill and died, requiring them to return for burial. They also stated they would return after selecting a new leader for their tribe. Milia wasn't surprised by the news, but it hinted that the Cheno tribe had no intention of investigating the cause of their messenger's death; they just wanted to sweep it under the rug. After all, to them, the death of one messenger in their tribe might not be a significant matter.

"Did Ethan leave with them?" Milia asked.

"No, we didn't see anyone named Ethan among those who left. But we didn't make a fuss," Alec replied.

"Alright, let's see what this guy wants," Milia said, deciding to take turns following Ethan and pass him a message at the right time.

If Ethan truly was a wandering werewolf from the Riverlands, he might have many answers Milia sought. She pulled out two gold coins from her pack and handed them to Alec as bait for Ethan. After Alec left, Milia tidied up the shed. She planned to stay here for a while. To the people of Laurence, she might just be a grieving widow wandering off, not attracting much attention. But her concealment gave her an advantageous position. Hidden away, like a wounded beast catching its breath, she could observe her enemies lurking in the shadows and plan her next move. Just as she didn't believe Chief Thomas would simply abandon the massive debt and leave Laurence, Milia believed the dark hands lurking in the shadows would once again stir the mystery of Kenny's death.

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