Chapter 13

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The following night, at the stroke of midnight, Milia stood amidst the rain-soaked solitude, cloaked in a billowing black robe. She waited in the obscure corner of the city, beneath the gnarled remnants of a tree, its grotesque form a testament to nature's fury. Unarmed, she clutched a scrap of parchment, obedient to its clandestine summons from the enemy's quarters.

The vista before her lay veiled in darkness, obscuring both the distant horizon and the fine tendrils of rain descending from the heavens.

After a prolonged vigil, the silhouette of a somber carriage emerged from the abyss, its form barely discernible amidst the dim glow enveloping it like a specter. Milia held her breath, straining her gaze in an attempt to pierce the murky veil and discern the approaching apparition.

At the helm of the carriage sat a disheveled, world-weary figure, his unkempt mane and dull gaze betraying a life worn thin. With a sardonic grin, he beckoned Milia aboard, his voice coarse and commanding.

With a resounding clatter, the carriage door swung open, revealing its occupants within. Milia ascended the carriage steps, greeted by two figures cloaked in nondescript garb, their features obscured and devoid of armament. They appeared as common folk, their countenances bearing the weariness of the downtrodden, their breath labored as if drawn from the very brink of mortality. Yet an unspoken tension hung palpably in the air, a tranquil surface concealing a simmering threat.

As the carriage lurched into motion, navigating the obscure paths shrouded in darkness, the world outside remained an enigma, its direction obscured by the inky shroud. After a time, the driver engaged in discourse, followed by a resounding creak as the colossal gates of the castle parted, marking their departure from the city's confines.

Further along their journey, the carriage halted, its doors agape. Outside, faint lights flickered amidst the void, illuminating a band of ragged figures scattered across the desolate terrain. As the two passengers disembarked in silence, Milia pondered her course of action, her contemplation interrupted by the forcible ingress of a captive figure, swiftly followed by the carriage's departure.

Recoiling from the newcomer's arrival, Milia watched as he stumbled into the cabin, his form battered and bloodied, his attire exuding the stench of battle. Rushing to his side, she embraced him, her heart heavy with concern.

"Kenny, how did you come to this place? Why have you risked so much?" Milia's voice trembled with worry and disbelief.

Surveying Kenny's injuries, Milia inquired, "Who are your captors? Have they inflicted harm upon you?"

In a pained whisper, Kenny shook his head, "I am as good as dead, Milia. But heed my words, do not yield to their bidding."

"And who, pray tell, are these malefactors?" Milia pressed, her resolve unyielding.

"Their power is vast, their influence pervasive," Kenny gasped for breath, "I fled to the very edge of the desert, only to be ensnared. They imprisoned me and now, here I am." Gripping Milia's hand tightly, he implored, "You must flee, leave me to my fate."

Before Milia could respond, the carriage screeched to an abrupt halt, its doors flung wide as hands seized her, casting her into the night. Left amidst the desolate expanse, Milia found herself alone, with naught but the distant cry of strange birds to accompany her solitude, as the carriage vanished into the obsidian abyss, carrying with it the fates of both Kenny and Milia.

Now was not the time for weakness. With resolve coursing through her veins, Milia retrieved the concealed dagger from her bosom. She was determined to rescue Kenny.

Within the humble abode of Mrs. An, silence reigned supreme. Despite her thorough search, Milia unearthed no clues. Yet, upon her return to the tranquil courtyard, she discovered yet another cryptic missive upon the dining table, its elegant script directing her to the Fangtooth Wharf within the River Domain.

Milia arrived at Fangtooth Wharf, weary and windblown. Before she could reach out to Heidi and the others, a group approached her, invoking Mrs. An's name and guiding her to a secluded, forsaken inn. They handed her a package without explanation and departed silently. These individuals, though appearing as mere peasants, moved with an eerie cohesion that belied their humble appearance.

Upon opening the package, Milia discovered several parcels containing varying amounts of gold, accompanied by cryptic notes dictating when and where to deliver them.

Donning a cloak of rough fabric and a hood, Milia dutifully followed the instructions multiple times. Each rendezvous occurred under the cloak of darkness or at dawn, in remote alleys or abandoned shanties on the outskirts of town. There, she encountered unfamiliar faces who, with stoic expressions, accepted the parcels before vanishing into the shadows. Despite their ragged appearance, these individuals lacked the menacing aura of gangsters and bore no weapons.

Despite her uncertainties, Milia continued these clandestine deliveries, hoping they would secure Kenny's safe return. Eventually, she received a new task: a journey to a dim shack on the outskirts, where a gathering of armed individuals awaited. Amidst them, Milia found herself embarking on a march towards a desolate slum area, dimly lit by sparse lamps. At their leader's command, chaos ensued as doors were kicked in and scuffles erupted, the sound of struggle filling the air. Milia, at the rear of the group, found herself unable to partake in the violence, unsure of how to intervene.

Amidst the turmoil, injuries quickly mounted. Uncertain of the sides involved, Milia found herself tending to the wounded at the insistence of her companions. As she treated them, the injured were swiftly returned to the fray, empowered by elven blessings to heal rapidly. With each act of healing, the resistance in the slum dwindled, eventually succumbing to the marauders' plunder and dispersal.

Left amidst the aftermath, Milia felt a tide of guilt and remorse wash over her. She approached the heart of the conflict, intending to offer aid to the injured, only to be met with scorn and hostility from the residents.

Seeing the bloodshed and suffering, including that of a child, Milia was moved to tears. Despite her efforts to help, she was met with rejection and disdain.

Returning to her lodgings, Milia was surprised to find Kenny awaiting her.

Their reunion was bittersweet, as Kenny revealed his reluctance to return home, feeling that his past actions had severed his ties to the community.

Milia, however, reassured him that redemption was possible, urging him to seek forgiveness for his coerced involvement in Thomas's schemes. She reminded him that their stolen wealth had been exposed, absolving him of any wrongdoing in the eyes of the High Priest.

Kneny hesitated, his determination unwavering as he shook his head once more. "Even if the High Priest were to pardon me, what then? My people will never forgive my weakness, and I can never return to lead them."

Milia contemplated for a moment, envisioning a life free from fear and hiding, perhaps a serene existence in the tranquil wilderness as simple hunter-gatherers.

But Kneny remained silent, his head bowed. "Come, let us face the High Priest," he finally relented.

As dusk settled, two figures on horseback approached the gates of Lawrence City. Milia exchanged nods with the guards, passing off the tightly wrapped figure beside her as a distant relative. She dared not steal a glance at Kneny, uncertain of the turmoil brewing beneath his cloak as he returned to his city, a shadow of his former self.

Kneeling before the High Priest, Kneny's shoulders trembled slightly in the flickering candlelight as he confessed his sins. Fearful of Thomas's threats and buried under the weight of insurmountable debts, he had resorted to the unthinkable: using Joseph's corpse to fake his own death and escape. The High Priest listened in silence, his hand resting on Kneny's shoulder, while Milia stood at a distance, aware of the deep bond between them, akin to that of father and son.

Stepping out of the temple, Milia felt a shiver run down her spine. What had Kneny done? His earnest words now seemed like echoes of deception. And the sudden appearance of the porcelain bottle confirmed her suspicions. Its mere presence hinted at treachery. If the poison had been sealed by the "Oath of Death," why deliver it to her? Was it a ploy to implicate her husband? Or was there another motive at play?

Though she knew of the "Oath of Death" from Heidi, its power to seal truths before the divine, the bottle's purpose remained obscure. Should she shatter it, burying the truth forever? Or was there someone to whom she should entrust this damning evidence? The note from Mrs. An hinted at a sinister scheme, leaving Milia torn between honor and duty, facing a choice that could unravel lives.

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