graves are made for the living

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a ray of light

i watch it shine

down on you.

under the sunset

the pale moon

the sky so beautifully blue

i'm blue too.

i miss you

i really do

i keep looking for you

though you are through

i'll never find you

not in this lifetime

i've known you forever

but i don't have you anymore

just like that

in one milisecond

my heart stopped

you gave your last roar

then i heard no more.

now i watch

the light shine down

and i wonder if i'm 

the only one grieving in this town

i can see the heavens

bringing you in

you were the kindest soul i've ever known

i wish we had been better friends

i'll see you on the other side

i hope you find your ray of light, my sunshine.

butterfly kisses and sorrow missesWhere stories live. Discover now