I'm bending, when do I break?

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take me somewhere

I'm losing my mind is a crazy thing to say, cause smiling at your name does not make me insane.

I'm dying on the inside isn't true cause I feel so alive when I'm next to you.

accepting my feelings is hard to do

but not when it comes to you

I just don't know what to do

the wrong move could ruin everything I've found

but I have not been given a right one

so I sit here and think

just figuring out "where my heart's at"

though I think I know the truth

I've pushed this away

locked it in a closet and went about my day

to the point I forgot it existed

but now it's back 

and it might ruin everything I'm not sure I have

what do I have

if I'm not sure what I want?

what do I need 

if I don't know what I have?

I'm not making any sense now.

it's your fault.

I don't make sense when you're around 

and I know you both can sense it

by the words you write 

and the fears you bare

the dreams we share

and the love that's there

what is love

which is love 

who is love

when is love

why is love

how is love

it's you.

it's always been you.


am the problem

not you.

just tell me what to do

don't leave this up to me I'll only ruin things

you tell me

what is right

what is wrong 

whether or not 

I should listen to that song

if I should ever consider

singing along.

just tell me

what to do

before I fuck this up

and have to leave both of you 

to start anew.

take the power out of my hands

take your hearts back

stop giving a damn

I'm handing you the switch

you choose you pick

I can't handle this

I'm only a kid

though I'm graduating

I'm still just a kid

too young to know 

the right answer

too dumb to know

how to do this

without hurting anyone 

but this is hurting me

so I can't just leave it all be

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