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release me from this hell I'm trapped in
before you see all of this madness
and decide you don't want me anymore
my heart is so fucking sore

do you remember those days
when we thought we could make
that home out of the states
and everything would be okay?

in the middle of this chaos
I like to imagine
what everything would be like
if nothing had happened

if we went back to those nights
and no one had feelings
and we kept life going
not sick, not reeling

and we graduated college
and bought ourselves a house
with the blue cabinets
and the fridge we've always wanted

I would walk in every afternoon
after a long day of work
and I would smile at you two
and you would ask how my day was
and i'd say great

because no matter how horrible it really was
I knew everyday
I'd come back to the home
where it's a home because it's us

sometimes I think to picture
that day in August
what would have happened
if we'd never found this


that's too fucking cruel.

I'd take this chaos any day
over never knowing you.

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