Chapter 2 (2.1(a) Angelwing Healing Centre)

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Wallace dedicated the next hour to meticulously rendering the intricate details observed through the locator loupe onto a piece of paper. Throughout this time, the examination room was enveloped in a heavy silence, broken only by occasional shuffling, deep breaths, and soft murmurs.

He would occasionally glance through the loupe to ensure accuracy, pausing at times to reflect on the memory of the cell walls before their disintegration.

The fissures on the wall seemed to mirror his drawing, evoking a mental image of cells and rod-like substances moving across the surface.

As Voss and Trento noticed their passive involvement, they excused themselves from the room to attend to the patients. Trento proceeded to the library in the meeting room for further study. Hoshiko and Caren, more familiar with Wallace's work, remained, offering insights and assistance whenever Wallace faced creative roadblocks.

It was nearly two in the afternoon when they finally completed the illustration, achieving consensus on the details captured. Wallace stood up, stretching his arms and back with a contented sigh, sensing a profound sense of achievement.

This illustration marked the inaugural stride toward unravelling the enigma of the Death Slater, though uncertainty loomed regarding the chemists' ability at Angelwing to provide the answers they sought.

As the distant bell echoed through the air, signalling the passing time, urgency enveloped the room.

"You must hurry to Angelwing," Hoshiko urged, his tapping indicating a growing impatience, mentally calculating the remaining time.

The Nightstone Unit, once bustling with activity, now lay quiet and subdued. Diminished sunlight filtered through the window near the counter, casting a dull pallor over the space. Benito, diligently lighting torches along the walls, cast flickering yellow light across the now sombre room.

Voss, engrossed in examining the female werewolf patient's wounds, sat by her bedside, meticulously documenting vital observations. Meanwhile, Laurana's absence suggested she was on a break or perhaps resting, leaving a limited nursing presence in the unit.

Hoshiko, who ventured out briefly, relayed Trento's departure to the meeting room in search of additional information on similar illnesses.

"I ought to remain here in case there's a sudden change in the patient's condition, requiring further examination of the tissues," Hoshiko voiced, his eyes oscillating between Caren and Wallace.

There was a discernible dismay in his tone as he realized he couldn't accompany them.

Wallace, a deep furrow creasing his brow, swiftly offered, "I can go with Voss or Trento," gesturing towards where Voss was currently occupied.

Caren, contemplative and silent, appeared to be weighing the best course of action in response to this dilemma.

Hoshiko's perplexed expression deepened at the unexpected turn of events. "I don't quite follow why Voss or Trento, especially when both of you witnessed and illustrated the findings. It would be best if you could explain this detailed information to the chemists at Angelwing," he reasoned, his confusion evident as he observed Wallace's hesitance to depart with Caren.

"Sage Hoshiko makes a valid point," interjected Voss, his deep voice resonating in the room. He appeared suddenly, having been by the bedside moments before. His tone held no insistence but rather conveyed a casual conversation.

With the flickering torchlight casting uneven shadows outside the examination room, Caren sensed the urgency of the situation. "I suppose we should head to Angelwing promptly," she remarked, maintaining a neutral tone.

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