Chapter 2 (2.1(c) Angelwing Healing Centre)

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Wallace unfolded a paper bearing illustration of cells and rod-like substances, presenting it to the elf. The elf cast a swift, almost hesitant glance, nodding immediately. "This way, please," he gestured, signalling them to enter, and the spears lowered, granting them passage.

Passing through the colossal archway, they grasped the enormity of the Angelwing Healing Centre. Nearly one-third the size of their university, Summerstone, the main building bore a golden sign reading 'Angelwing Healing Centre' at its centre, glistening under the afternoon sun, undoubtedly made of pure gold.

The grandeur and eminence of this place transcended mere opulent adornments; it emanated from the very essence of the institution itself. Wallace sensed the deep-seated history and profound wisdom enshrined within Angelwing. The occupants traversing the compound exuded poise and importance. Wallace found himself captivated, meticulously observing and admiring every intricate detail of the structure.

The domes atop the buildings, the columns intricately carved with various medicinal plants—Wallace initially presumed the main building to be the pinnacle until his gaze caught sight of a splendid vintage tower behind it, seemingly mounted onto the main structure. Its towering presence demanded attention and reverence.

Caren, having visited the place previously, simply followed the elf without gazing around.

Pointing toward the main building, the elf explained, "This is our main hall, where we attend to our patrons. Inside, you'll find a vast array of common medicines, medicinal plants, herbs, and spices. I take pride in saying that we house nearly every medicine imaginable, though your specific request..." He motioned toward the paper now tucked in Wallace's pocket, pursing his lips and offering a prolonged gaze.

Gesturing toward a small bell tower atop the sign plate, displaying the time as fifteen past five, the elf continued, "That bell tower has faithfully rung for a thousand years without fail. They say it will endure as long as Angelwing does, which might just be forever." His tone carried a hint of smugness.

Halting in front of the main hall, the elf then directed their attention to the left. "This is the alchemy tower, where most medicines in the northern region of Sereton are produced. We possess an array of specially crafted pots and tools—I couldn't possibly remember them all even with a lifetime to spare," he chuckled.

Gesturing toward the tower on the right, the elf remarked casually, "That's our counting-house. I'd advise against attempting a break-in; it'd likely be the worst decision of your life." Wallace sensed truth behind the jest and harboured no curiosity about testing it.

The right tower stood slightly shorter than the alchemy tower.

"The rear of the main hall houses the steeple, where we keep our rarest plants and herbs. Only select chemists hold access to that area, and any unauthorized attempts to enter would result in getting lost within its labyrinthine passages," the elf elaborated, gesturing toward the main hall, the secret tower concealed at its rear, beyond their immediate sight.

Raising his arm and pointing to the right, the elf indicated a location further away. "Roughly half a mile from the counting-house lies our academic centre, a hub that has nurtured and educated many of our esteemed chemists."

Wallace wasn't certain if this detailed introduction was standard protocol for every visitor, but he appreciated the elf's hospitality, nonetheless.

With a half bow, the elf excused himself, departing without divulging his destination. It seemed apparent that he had gone to summon someone else to attend to their needs, likely fulfilling the role of a doorman.

Surveying the courtyard, Wallace noticed several other similarly attired elves leading various groups of customers and visitors to different sections of the Angelwing Healing Centre. His earlier estimation of the institution's size in comparison to Summerstone University now seemed inadequate. He surmised that Angelwing might possess hidden areas harbouring secrets of medicine accessible to only a select few in this world.

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