Chapter 2 (2.3(a) Melting Pot & Moonlight)

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"Yes, please take us to the marketplace," Wallace replied. They had endured enough sorrowful news and arduous tasks for the day; a quick dinner and their preferred drinks could undoubtedly uplift their spirits.

Caren welcomed the suggestion, her stomach rumbling at the mention of the marketplace. The memory of stalls offering unfamiliar foods flashed through her mind.

The werewolf was pleased with the business and swiftly brought them to their destination. With the darkening skies, the air grew cooler. The vibrant lights of the marketplace came into view, gradually pushing thoughts of the cure and patients to the back of their minds. The tantalizing aroma of grilled meat made their mouths water.

Exiting the rickshaw at the marketplace entrance, the werewolf grinned, stashing his tips in his sack. "If you need recommendations, I highly recommend Melting Pot for their delectable meat pies and Moonlight next door for their exceptional wines. Moonlight offers the finest wines in this area, guaranteed to leave an unforgettable taste." He gestured with a chef's kiss, reminiscing about the flavours of the food and drink.

The werewolf's vivid descriptions managed to lift Caren's mood. She chuckled and thanked the werewolf warmly, which relieved Wallace to see her less sullen. With a hearty wave goodbye, the werewolf departed for his next business.

As they stepped into the marketplace, the first stall that caught their attention displayed an array of colourful ornaments, and not far away stood a stage. Faint but distinctive sounds of trumpets and singing reached their ears, though the performers remained barely visible.

"I suppose we won't have the chance to catch another performance by Naevys today?" Caren asked nonchalantly, though her eyes shimmered with hope and excitement.

Wallace chuckled, shaking his head. "I highly doubt she'd perform in a place like this." It wasn't meant as a slight against the marketplace or the enjoyment of performing there, but Naevys was a world-class singer—it seemed implausible to imagine her performing anywhere other than a grand stage. Nevertheless, her appearance at the Harmonica Hurricane Bar was both astonishing and unexpected.

The sweet aroma of candies intensified their hunger, yet they weren't in a rush to find food, enticed by numerous captivating stalls along the way.

Caren found herself distracted by a stall adorned with various kinds of pearls, the stall owner being an imp.

This imp resembled any other Wallace had encountered, his eyes sparkled with such excitement upon Caren's approach that he seemed ready to devour her. Oblivious to his expression, Caren was wholly engrossed in the pearls displayed at the stall.

The stall showcased pearls of various colours and shapes on stands. Amidst the pearls lay a peculiar sight—a faint, glowing smoke nestled within each pearl, appearing as though it sought an escape route within the confines of the pearl. The largest pearl, as sizable as a thumb, contrasted starkly with the smallest, the size of a bead.

"These are Luminous Pearls, discovered deep within the Oceanic Wood's lake. They're exceptionally rare and precious finds. Legend suggests they are the tears shed by creatures feeding on red seaweed. But such stories merely complement the beauty of these Luminous Pearls," the stall owner remarked slyly, holding up a red Luminous Pearl before Caren.

The red-hued glowing smoke danced within the pearl, emitting a mesmerizing deep scarlet that held their gazes captive. Wallace admitted he'd never encountered anything quite like it before.

Continuing, the stall owner explained, "The red one, known as 'The Lavish Heart', prompts inner strength and fosters feelings of love. 'The Coral Bauble' in blue brings luck and prosperity. 'The Jade Image', the green one, relieves stress and aids sleep. Finally, 'The Lunar Bubble' in yellow is used for healing, purification, and enhancing willpower." He rolled the 'The Lavish Heart' on his palm, intensifying its captivating and hypnotic appearance.

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