Chapter 16

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"Alexa, someone is here to see you," Betty, my boss informs me as I put wedding dresses back on the rack.

"Really? Who is it?"

"Me," I hear that familiar voice say and turn to see Nate walking towards me. I expect him to stop a safe distance away from me, but he doesn't. He surprises me by closing the distance between us and pulls me into his arms. I stare into his eyes longingly and feel time slow down as I watch his face inch closer and closer to mine. The moment his lips touch mine I can't bring myself to stop him. I place my hand on his stubbled cheek and kiss him back as he kisses me without a care in the world.

I hear a throat clear behind us and quickly pull away when I remember that Betty is still with us.

"Sorry, Betty," I apologize embarrassed.

"No need to apologize. You two are clearly in love and I'm happy for you two," Betty tells us and I nearly faint at the mention of the 'L' word.

"Thanks, Betty," Nate responds to her when I don't say anything and pulls me to his side.

"You're welcome. Now I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Betty tells us with a wink before leaving us alone.

"Oh, God," I mutter under my breath.

"What?" Nate asks amusedly.

"I just kissed you in front of my boss. That's what."

"What's the big deal? It was just a kiss. It's not like it's the end of the world."

"I'm on the clock. She's paying me to work, not kiss you."

"Calm down, babe. I talked to Betty when I entered the store and told her we're dating, so I'm sure she's fine with me kissing you. You are my girlfriend after all."

I'm about to just accept it and move on when I realize what he said. "Wait! You told her?" I ask surprised.

"Yes, I thought it was only right she knows since she'll be seeing more of me around here," he informs me matter of factly with a smug grin. "Why? Did you not want her to know?" he asks suddenly, and I see the hurt cross his eyes before I can even stop it.

"No..." I hesitate before adding, "That's not it at all. I want her and all the world to know. I just didn't think you would care to tell others yet since our relationship is so new."

He breaks into a smile and pulls me into his arms. "Of course I want her to know. Her and the whole world."

"Then shout it. I dare you," I tell him playfully and he actually opens his mouth to do it. He's clearly not one to turn down a dare. I only have a matter of seconds to think of something quick to stop him, so I do the first thing that comes to mind. I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. He smiles against my lips and kisses me back slow and soft. His kiss is light as a feather but it fills me with so much warmth it makes me feel cherished and loved. Loved? No. It's too soon to speak of love, but his kiss definitely makes me feel special. I wish we could kiss forever like this, but I have a job to get back to. I pull away from him and he chases my lips but I stop him and cover his mouth with my hand. "I need to get back to work," I remind him and he bites my hand, making me yelp.

"I know. I wish you didn't."

"That makes two of us," I assure him. "What brings you here anyway?" I ask him curiously. "Gracie is not with you so I don't understand why the surprise visit."

"My beautiful girlfriend of course," Nate tells me with a big smile and pulls me into his arms and just holds me. I could really get used to being wrapped up in his arms. It feels like my own little piece of heaven.

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