Chapter 37

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A loud buzzing sound wakes me from the best sleep I've had in a while. I know I should try and find out what it is, but I'm too tired and can't be bothered. I roll over in bed in an attempt to go back to sleep. My face connects with something nice and warm and it smells so good. I nuzzle my nose into it, breathing in the delicious scent when I hear a loud groan. I slowly peel one eye open, feeling a bit disoriented when Nate's back comes into my view.

Why's he in bed with me?  I wonder, feeling confused. I don't remember falling asleep with him and then it hits me, I just sniffed him in my sleep!

Oh my God! Why did I do that? In my defense, I was still half asleep. 

I stare at his back, hoping he isn't awake and when he doesn't move, I breathe a sigh of relief. I put some distance between us so I don't smell him in my sleep again and try to fall back asleep when I hear the buzzing sound go off again. I groan out loud and mentally curse the dang sound for waking me from my peaceful slumber. I turn over in bed and release a long sigh as I lay down on my back and stare up at the ceiling, hating that I've been woken for God knows what. I turn my face to the side and look at Nate's back, wondering why we're together when it all comes rushing back to me like a punch to the gut.


I quickly scurry out of bed and head towards the bathroom where I heard the sound coming from. As soon as I step foot in the bathroom, I hear a loud vibration and follow the sound to the back pocket of my jeans. I reach my hand inside and my fingers immediately connect with the cold screen of my phone. I pull it out and tap on the screen twice as I make my way back to the bed where Nate is still sleeping.

I'm surprised to see it's only been a few hours since I found Nate passed out on his bed, no doubt drugged out from whatever Miranda gave him. I look out the window and confirm its still day out and am rather relieved it's only been a few hours since we fell asleep. I honestly thought we slept through the whole day, but I'm glad it hasn't been that long since I found Nate.

I turn back to my phone and see that I have a couple of notifications on my lock screen and unlock my phone. The first thing that greets me is a few new text messages from Gracie.

Gracie: How's Nate?

Gracie: I know you went to go see him.

Gracie: Are you two okay?

Me: He's good.

Me: We both are.

I don't tell her about what happened with Miranda, but if Miranda knows what's good for her, she'll leave on her own. As soon as Nate is feeling better, I'm telling Gracie everything. I don't care if it costs them their friendship. Gracie deserves to know what Miranda did to Nate. I'll even give her Miranda's belongings so she can give them back to her along with a piece of her mind. It's the least she deserves after what she did to Nate.

I send Gracie another text, letting her know that Nate and I are on the mend and talking things out. It's a small white lie but I do it knowing that it will appease her. At least for the time being. Nate and I will definitely talk things out. Just not yet.

Gracie wishes us all the best and tells us to take all the time we need to make up and not to worry about hanging out with the bridal party. She says they all understand we need some time to ourselves and makes sure to add a lot of winky face emojis to her reply. I laugh and shake my head at her response and thank her before putting my phone to the side. I don't hear from her again and am relieved that's all it takes for her to leave us alone for the time being.

I don't know if Nate and I will be okay but I have faith we will. Things can only get better from here on out, right?


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