Chapter 10

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I wake the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee and quickly do my morning routine before making my way into the kitchen where Mia is eating a pile of fluffy pancakes.

"Please tell me there's more where that came from." 

"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't make you any pancakes?"

"A very cruel one."

"Well you're in luck because I'm not a cruel friend," Mia tells me with a grin.

"Thank goodness. I'm starving."

"The pancakes are on a plate in the microwave. Take as many as you want."

"You're the best," I tell her gratefully before grabbing the plate full of pancakes from the microwave.

"Everything you need to eat is right here." I look over at the table and see that she has already set out an empty plate and utensils for me.

"Thanks." I place the plate of pancakes on the table and get myself a glass of milk before sitting down to eat my pancakes. "They're delicious," I compliment her in between bites.

"So how was last night?" she asks me inquisitively.

"I should be asking you that since you're the one who went on a date."

"It went great, now back to you. How did it go last night with Nate?" Mia says, quickly changing the subject back to me.

"It went great," I admit.

"That's all you're giving me?" she asks frustrated.

"That's what you said about your date," I retort and she groans.

"So?! That doesn't mean you have to repeat after me."

"Wait! How do you even know I went out with Nate?" I ask her, realizing she knows more than she should.

"I let him in. Anyways, back to last night," she says eagerly wanting to know all the details.

"We went to the beach, hung out with his friends and we had a great time. Happy?"

"Extremely," Mia says with a grin as she takes a bite of her pancakes. "By the way, Nate carried you in last night," Mia comments as I eat my pancakes.

"I wouldn't remember since I fell asleep. I figured he woke me up and helped me walk inside or something."

"Well luckily for you I saw everything," she tells me with a grin.


"Yes!" she shrieks excitedly.

"Tell me!" I say a little too eagerly and she laughs at my excitement.

"Well, he carried you to your room and laid you down gently on your bed. I left the room at that point but I stayed close enough to your door so I could watch him from afar."

"And what did he do next?" I ask curiously.

"He covered you with your blanket," she informs me but doesn't make any effort to say anything else.

"And?!" I ask in desperation, wanting to hear all the details.

"He whispered something to you. I just don't know what. I bet it was something sweet or romantic."

"Is that it?"

"Nope," she says, popping the 'P.' "There's more."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry up, woman! Give me all the details."

"Hold your horses." I glare at her and she laughs. "He kissed you on the forehead," she finally says and I gasp.

"He did?!" I ask in disbelief.

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