Chapter 9

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The week came and went and before I knew it, Friday was here and I had no plans. I was stuck at home with only Netflix to keep me company while Mia was out on a date for the second time this week. Was I jealous? Honestly, just a tad. But I'm happy for her, I am. And I'm more than okay with staying home and watching random crap on Netflix all by myself. Although a part of me does yearn for someone to keep me company. Times like this, makes me wish we had a pet. I'd even take a fish at this point. They're not cute or cuddly but at least I wouldn't be watching Netflix all by myself.

God, I'm pathetic. I need to get a life and stat.

I change into some comfy clothes and make my way into the living room where I turn on my Wii and log into Netflix. I flip through tons of movies and TV shows before I finally settle on a romantic comedy that piques my interest. I lay down on the couch and sigh in contempt as the movie starts playing and just when I am starting to get comfortable a knock sounds on the door. I contemplate ignoring it but decide against it when the person knocks again.

"Coming," I yell as a third knock raps on the door. I pull the door open and am not all that surprised when I see Nate standing there. He's the only neighbor who really says more to us than just a simple hello. "Hey," I greet him.

"Hi," he responds and nervously rubs the back of his neck as he looks me up and down.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him, feeling worried.

"No, I actually was going to call you until I realized I didn't have your number, which is technically your fault since you never called or texted me when I gave you my business card so I came over instead," he says with a grin.

"I never called or texted you because you followed me to the beach, remember?"

"Oh, yeah! That's my bad," he says ruefully.

"It is your bad," I say with a laugh. "Do you have your phone on you right now?"

"Yeah." He pulls his phone out of his pocket and when he is ready I tell him my number by heart. "Got it and since I'm here I might as well ask you in person what I wanted to ask you over the phone."

"I'm listening."

"You can say no. Especially since it's last minute."

"Go on."

"My friends are having a bonfire at the beach and...well, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me."

"Sure, that sounds like fun," I say enthusiastically. I'd much rather spend the night at the beach with him than stay home by myself and watch Netflix, which is something I can do any day of the week.


"Unless you changed your mind."

"No. Not at all," he responds sounding relieved.  

"What time are you planning on leaving?"

"Whenever you're ready. I'm already dressed and ready to go myself, but take all the time you need. I can wait,"  he tells me and I appraise his outfit, which consists of a pair of black cargo shorts, a white tank top and a pair of Converse. It's all very casual, but it looks really good on him.

"I shouldn't be long. Do you want to come in while I get ready?" I ask him and he looks unsure about entering. "I don't bite. I promise," I reassure him and he smirks.

"That's too bad," he responds with a grin as he steps into my apartment.

"I can be persuaded though," I tell him with a wink.

"That's good to know," he says with a devilish grin that wreaks havoc.

"If you say so." I gesture for him to sit on the couch. "Please make yourself at home and feel free to watch anything on Netflix while I get ready," I tell him and hand him the controller to the Wii.

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