Chapter 2

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It's finally Friday, which means only one thing. Well, two actually. It's my last day of work for the week, and today is also Nate's housewarming party. I'm honestly more excited about work than I am Nate's party. His party is really just an excuse to drink, which I have nothing against, other than the fact that I have to be there as Mia kindly reminded me all week.

I sigh out loud, dreading Nate's so-called housewarming party and climb out of bed, knowing that I have a long day ahead of me, which starts as usual with my morning routine before work.

I get ready quick, not bothering to put on makeup, and make my way to the kitchen before Mia with time to spare.

I scour our kitchen cabinets for something to eat and when I find a cup of instant oatmeal, I feel like I've hit the jackpot. It's easy to make and good enough to eat. I shove the oatmeal in the microwave after adding milk to it and when the microwave beeps a few minutes later, I am relieved. I am starving.

I grab my cup of oatmeal along with a disposable spoon and make my way out the front door in search of some much needed fresh air. I look around, making sure that none of my neighbors are in the vicinity, which isn't very neighborly of me, but I really don't feel like keeping up a conversation with anyone this early in the morning.

When I see the coast is clear, I make my way to what I like to refer as our "faux park" and take a seat at the nearest empty picnic table. I quickly dig into my oatmeal and manage to savor my first bite when I hear footsteps squishing the freshly watered grass behind me. I hope whoever it is just keeps walking and leaves me be so I can enjoy my breakfast.

"Mind if I join you?" I hear a familiar voice ask and sigh. Clearly, luck is not on my side today. I look up to find Nate's light blue eyes looking down at me.

"It's a free country, isn't it?" I retort and regret it the moment I say it. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that," I apologize and gesture for him to take a seat. 

"You're not much of a morning person, are you?" he asks amused as he sits down across from me and I shake my head.

"Nope, I'm definitely not," I admit, knowing there's no point in lying about it.

"I can tell," he responds with a grin. "And I know just what you need for your morning grumpiness."

"And what would that be?" I asked curiously, wondering what brilliant idea he's come up with.

"A fresh cup of coffee."

"Coffee? Really? That's your brilliant solution?"

"Yup, just plain old coffee," he responds with a big smile and offers me a large cup of coffee. I look down at what he has in front of him and see a small bottle of orange juice and a muffin, and realize immediately that he bought the coffee for himself, but for whatever reason, he's now offering it to me.

"I really appreciate your offer, but I just can't accept it," I tell him honestly, and push the cup back towards him.

"Please accept it. Consider it a peace offering if you must."

"Peace offering?"

"Yeah, you know since we got off on the wrong foot and all."

"I'm guessing you're referring to what happened the other day." He nods. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm over it now," I tell him honestly and put another spoonful of oatmeal in my mouth.

"Well if you're over it then that means you can accept the coffee."

"Nope. It's yours, so drink it."

"I don't even like coffee. I brought it for you," he tells me with a grin, but I have a hard time believing that he'd do something like that for me.

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