Chapter 7

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I don't know how I did it but I managed to avoid Nate all week. I know it's mean of me, especially since he is my neighbor and all, but I am still too embarrassed to see him after what nearly happened between us. I honestly wouldn't even know what to say if I saw him, which is why I am so glad I haven't run into him. 

Mia tried encouraging me to talk to him when I told her all about the night of the party and our almost kiss, but I refused adamantly. She scolded me for it, telling me I am crazy for not letting him kiss me. Perhaps I am crazy because right now it felt like I missed out on a once in a lifetime opportunity, but I know deep down that I am not ready to let go of my first kiss just yet and am rather glad I stopped him before things went any further between us. But a part of me can't help but wonder what a kiss from Nate would feel like. Would it be sweet and tender or rough and dominant?

I sigh out loud just thinking about it and raise my gaze from my cold bowl of oatmeal to see Mia shaking her head at me. "You need to talk to him," she tells me for the umpteenth time and takes a bite of her food while I poke at my own. "And stop playing with your food," she scolds me.

"For the last time, I'm not going to talk to him."

"So what are you going to do? Stay in all weekend?"

"Why not?" I respond with a shrug and continue poking at my food despite Mia's scolding.

"It's Saturday for God's sakes. Go out and have some fun."

"I'm good," I tell her with an indifferent attitude.

"You know what? I've had enough of your moping. Talk to him or I will walk over there right now and talk to him myself."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, believe me, I would," she says with a grin and stands up from her chair. "Make a choice right now."

"You're just bluffing."

"I guess I'm going to have to talk to him then." She walks out of the kitchen, and I quickly follow after her.

"Stop! Don't do this," I beg her just as she makes it to the front door. She stops in her tracks and turns back to look at me.

"Do you promise to talk to him?"

"Yes. Just not right now." I promise her. I need time before I face him.

"Fine but if you don't talk to him by the end of the day, I'm marching right over to his apartment and dragging him over here."

"That won't be necessary."

"Then it's settled then," Mia says with a satisfied smirk and walks right back to the kitchen to continue eating her breakfast. I think about going back to eat my oatmeal but think better of it and instead go straight to my room, take a quick shower, and get ready to head out.

"Are you going out?" Mia asks as she enters my room.

"Yeah, I need to get out and clear my head."

"You do that and when you come back, go and talk to Nate."

"I will," I tell her but she doesn't seem to believe me. "I promise," I add for her sake.

"Okay, good. Have fun," she says with a smile. "Thanks, I'll try." I grab my purse and my phone and head out the door. Mia tells me to be safe as I exit our apartment. I take a few steps outside when I feel my phone buzz. I stop to check the new notification on my phone and see that it's just a message from my phone company letting me know they got my payment.

"Going somewhere?" I turn to see the person I have been avoiding for days walking towards me and gulp, feeling as nervous as can be. This is the first time I have seen Nate in days, well a week to be exact, because the last time I saw him was the day he nearly kissed me.

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