Chapter 6

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"Ready to cook?" Nate asks me, as soon as I walk in the kitchen.

"I was born ready," I tell him with a wink.

"What's your specialty?"

"Pancakes and crepes. I love making them for breakfast all the time. I tend to cook more sweet stuff because I have a big sweet tooth," I admit embarrassed.

"Don't we all," he says with a wink and leaves me to get all the ingredients together. He comes back with an armful of ingredients and places it all on the counter. "You make whatever you feel like eating, and I'll make us some bacon, eggs, sausage and hash browns."

"Sounds delicious."

"How do you like your eggs?"

"How are you having yours?"

"I asked you first," he responds amused.

"I'll have them however you're making yours."

"Fine but someday I shall know how you prefer your eggs," he tells me with a wink.

"Perhaps," I tell him with a grin and walk over to the counter to grab the ingredients I need to make some delicious buttermilk pancakes. "Do you happen to have bowls and measuring cups?"

"Yeah. Let me get them for you." He quickly finds what I need and gives me my space to do my thing while he pulls the ingredients he needs out of the fridge.

We both work hard while listening to music that he plays from his phone on his Bluetooth speaker, and to my surprise, he listens to a lot of the same music that I do. "I never would have taken you for a One Republic fan," I tell him as I mix all the ingredients together.

"Who doesn't like them?"

"A lot of people."

"Well, that's crazy because they're an incredible band. I like listening to them while I work," he admits.

"What do you do, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm a professional photographer."

"Well that explains the camera the day we met, and all the gorgeous pictures in your room. I assumed it was just a hobby of yours."

"You still haven't forgotten about that day, have you?" he responds with a smug grin that brings a smile to my face.

"Nope and I don't expect to anytime soon."

"I'm not surprised and at this rate, I'm guessing you'll never let me live it down."

"Probably not," I respond with a sly grin as I finish mixing the pancake batter. "But it's okay because we're all good, remember?"

"I do remember," he responds with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

Silence settles between us as we work together to make breakfast but it's not uncomfortable in the least bit. And neither of us feels the need to fill it. When we are finally all done, we both sit at the table with our plate full of food in front of us. He stares at me and I stare right back.

"You don't have to wait for me to eat," he finally says and I raise my brow.

"I'm not taking a bite unless you do."

"Fine. We'll do it together." He grabs a sausage link and puts it up to his mouth. "Ready?" I nod and we both take a bite out of our food.

"Not only are you an incredible bartender, but you're also an amazing cook," I compliment him, savoring the bite of bacon I ate. "I guess I can now add cooking to your list of hidden talents."

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