Chapter 21

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Our first date was perfect. Well, as perfect as it could be. We did have that one small snag thanks to that ex-client of his but thankfully all is good in paradise again, and despite that small fight we had, Nate and I are doing better than ever. And now I'm in the middle of getting ready for my second date with Nate in a row. The only difference is this time I'm taking him on a date. I already have everything planned and am so excited to get our date started, but it will have to wait until later because Nate had something come up last minute.

I have no idea what he has to do that's so important, but I told him it was fine and decided to take my sweet time getting ready since I have so much time to kill. Too much if you ask me. I just want to be in his arms already. Sadly, I have to wait a few more hours before that can happen.

"You look bored," Mia observes as she walks into my room and takes a seat on my bed.

"I can't help it. I feel like this day is dragging," I admit with a huff.

"Let's go out while you wait for Nate," Mia suggests and I actually consider it, needing the distraction.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Who cares?! Let's just go out and be spontaneous for once!"

"But...," I start and she cuts me off.

"Come on! It's been forever since we've hung out," she exclaims and she's right. The last time we really hung out was at Nate's housewarming party and that was forever ago. It's about time we make up for all the lost time, and spend some one on one time together like the best friends we are.

"Okay! Let's do it!" I tell her and she bounces up and down in excitement. "Just let me finish getting ready so we can get the heck out of here."

"Perfect! I'll go and get ready too," Mia tells me before running out of my room. I laugh at her excitement and get together a casual outfit since I'm not planning on going anywhere fancy with Nate for our date. I dress quickly and put on my favorite pair of skinny jeans, a black V-neck and my combat boots. It's simple but it's perfect for a casual Sunday.

I walk into my ensuite and choose to use my garnet earrings as inspiration for my makeup, and go with red eyeshadow for my eyelids. I create a smoky effect with it that really makes my hazel eyes pop. I finish off my look with a nude lipstick, and when I'm satisfied with how I look, I take a selfie and send it to Nate so he knows exactly what he has to look forward to today. Seconds later, I receive a text from him.

Nate: Goddam, babe! You look gorgeous! I can't wait to kiss those delectable lips of yours. ;)

Me: I'm looking forward to it. :P

Nate: You're tempting me. Don't make me come over there and kiss you right this second.

Me: You can't do that.

Nate: Says who? I can come over there for a few minutes if I want.

Me: Then what are you waiting for?

I text back and when I don't hear anything else from him, I run out of my room and out the front door. I see movement from the corner of my eye and turn to the right to see him rounding the corner. I run towards him and he catches me in his arms, and hoists me up in the air, taking me completely by surprise. I giggle as I wrap my legs around his lower back and place my arms on his chest. He smiles up at me and lowers my head to his so our foreheads are touching.

"I missed you," he tells me, not even realizing just how much I had missed him.

"I missed you too."

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