Something free

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Ok so I'm feeling a bit left out here, because a lot of writers have their own team names for followers.

Yep it's a bit cliched but I want one lol.

So I want you to comment a group name that you think we should have. Like  Anna Todd has the Imaginators.  Yeah I know I'm not as famous as her but hey I might be someday :)

To be part of this awesome group, you need to like me on Facebook where I'll update you on how the book is going. Once you like/follow me, you'll be  part of the book process!

1.Now I have to tell you, that you all need to read all the way down to the end of this post. Because there will be something totally awesome waiting for you at the bottom. Ah but no cheating, or I'll send Jory and Kerensa to cast a spell on you that will give you warts. Haha

2. My Blog is now ready for you all. 'Does happy dance'

3. But before I give you the link, I need to tell you that there are two great things hidden in it.

4. The first awesome thing is the cover poll.

5. I received so many wonderful submissions for covers from you all. I can't thank you enough for all the effort you put in. I didn't realise how many talented followers I had. Unfortunately, some didn't meet the guidelines so my publisher couldn't use them. Which is a shame as they were totally amazeballs.

6. Now I  need your help in choosing the cover. So when you head over to my blog, you can click on the "Cover Poll Contest" tab and vote your hearts out.

7. The second awesome thing is a free bonus chapter. You might have noticed, that in the original draft I didn't write about the wedding. Well now I have and it's from one of the main characters point of view. Excited yet? So go on over and see which one it is.

8. Now we need a drum roll please.......release the balloons and pop those party poppers.


10.  You can get the free mini book when you sign up for the blog and you can vote for the cover you like the most. So please, please, please sign up. No pressure lol.

11. I love you all and can't thank you enough for your support on my writing journey. Oh and please let me know what you think of my website.

12. Oh and if you want to come up with some questions for me, I will add a FAQ page to the blog.

Love and kisses mwah xxx

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