Chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to To all those people reading my story, and all those who put up with my extremely

You all can totally shoot me now…my last upload was 25 march…real horrible… excuses, and there is no way a sorry can make this right…so instead, im gonna start working on the next chapter right now, and upload it ASAP… so sorry !!!!

 Thank you all so much for supporting this story..You all really do rock!!!


Mark bloody Rogers was even more horrible than how the tabloids pictured him. He would not shut up. He barked orders and was bossy. After every take, he had to go somewhere or the other, and he would delay the shoot to no end.

Derek’s new movie was a romantic comedy. So Mark had somehow framed it, that we were in a relationship even out of the movie. So he went around claiming I was his girlfriend to anyone who would listen. I then had to go around telling everybody that he was NOT my boyfriend.

I had a headache and I was furious. Shoots are real hard work.

My head was all jumbled up, I had layers of make up slathered all over my face and body which made me blo*dy uncomfortable and Mark wouldn’t shut up, so I punched him in the face.

Then Mark wasted at least three hours, whining about how I had ruined his stupid pretty face.

I was pretty pissed off by this time. Then the shoot had to be cancelled because Mark said he could not act or give his best when his nose was broken.

That was an exaggeration. I had punched him hard, but not so hard that his nose broke. Or maybe I had.

Who cares? All I knew was that I wanted to go back home and sleep, and then go and settle things with Adrien.

I went into Derek’s car, silently fuming. Derek wisely kept his mouth shut the whole ride.

After we reached home, I went up to my room, banged the door shut, changed and curled into my bed.

My head was spinning. The whole day was such a disaster.

I kept tossing around restlessly. My mind kept wandering to Adrien.

Ah. Damn it. I might as well as go and make amends with him.

I sighed and rolled out of bed.

I entered Adrien’s bedroom, not bothering to knock. After all what does he have to hide?

That was my biggest mistake.

Oh, he was there all right. In his bed. On top of that b*tch Courtney. Without his clothes.

Ok, I’m not going into details, but you get the picture. They were groaning and moaning.

I could feel the bile rising.

Courtney saw me and smirked. Then she purposely moaned his name louder.

I bit my lip to keep myself from crying and ran out of his bedroom, back into mine.

I flung myself onto the bed, and started sobbing pathetically. I knew that I shouldn’t cry over that worthless idiot. We were not even going out… so why was I feeling this way??

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