Welcome To Jailbreak!

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Hello everybody, and welcome back! This is my third Author Games and, after the success of the last two, I just couldn't resist hosting another. This year's Games will be twisted and bloody, as the Capitol likes it. Except not everything will be as it seems. Be prepared for sudden twists, violent deaths and competitive fun, this is Jailbreak. Remember, these Games will not be officially starting until the current Games are over. But that doesn't mean you can't reserve your tributes... If you'd like to reserve a tribute before the reservation chapter is officially up, then PM me :)

First of all, I'd like to let you all know that I've made a new email. I won't be using my old emails for Author Games anymore, so don't bother sending your tasks to them, because I won't be checking them as often. My new email is AllyAuthorGames@gmail.com (I know caps don't really matter, but I like them XD)

The reservations for these Games will open on Sunday the 19th of July, Australian time. I'm absolutely hopeless with the time zones and differences, but Google isn't, so you can look it up XD. The reservations will be opened about three days before I post the tribute form, to give people a chance to let friends know about my Games, and give them a chance to plan their tribute in advance. Also, I won't be using Districts for these Games, just numbers.

To make things easier, I thought I'd give an explanation about Panem. It's virtually the same, except with a few major differences. The plague struck the beautiful country of Panem just before the 697th Games began, and wiped out the vast majority of their population. The survivors were confused and scared, looking for a strong leader to help them back into a world of peace. Which is about the time when the current Head Gamemaker and President of Panem (Laurence Silver) stepped in and gave the people somebody to look up to.

The plague lasted for three years and, even with the advanced medicine that the Capitol had access to, they could not find a cure. There were three stages of the plague; the first is. Those who never experienced any of the symptoms were considered immune, and never got sick; not even if they spent all their time around those who were ill. The first stage of the plague was painful stomach cramps and occasional projectile vomiting. The second stage of the plague was hot and cold flashes that made you tense your muscles and left you exhausted almost straight away. The third and final stage of the plague was uncontrollable seizuring and disgusting and painful boils. When you reached the third stage, it was only a matter of time before you died.

The Districts were destroyed during the 3 year panic, instead being replaced with 4 sections, with the Capitol remaining in the centre. Districts 1, 2 and 3 were merged together to make Section 1. Districts 4, 5 and 6 were merged together to make Section 2. Districts 7, 8 and 9 were merged together to make Section 3 and Districts 10, 11 and 12 were merged together to make Section 4. The people of Panem now look after themselves, only interacting with officials if they need something. Laurence Silver has an army at his disposal, ever since he was elected to be the new President, and people are willing to do what he says. Even if he says that he's going to bring the Hunger Games back. Since the Districts were destroyed and their inhabitants scattered, careers can come from any Section, as can weak tributes.

Welcome to the 700th Hunger Games.


That was just a rundown of what to expect, and to give you some insight on the world your tribute will be living in. Now, as boring as they are, it's time for the rules.

1. 2 tributes per author. I don't want you overloaded (I know how hard having more than two tributes is) and I want you to have fun, not consider this a chore.
2. There will be serious consequences for those who don't hand in. Miss one task and you'll have your current score halved. Miss two tasks and your score will be completely erased. Miss three tasks and you're eliminated. It's as simple as that.
3. If you're not planning to actually participate in these Games, then don't enter. I don't want to expect and entry from you and get nothing, not even a reason why.
4. Keep swearing to a minimum. I couldn't care less, to be honest, but there are a lot of younger writers on Wattpad. This rule is for their benefit.
5. Since I am the creator of these Games, my word is law. Try not to argue - unless there has been a serious injustice - and trust that I have my own reasoning, even if you can't understand it.
6. Stay original! Make sure your tributes are unique and your tasks are interesting and exciting.
7. Proof-read! I cannot stress this enough. My friends call me a grammar nazi, and that's because I can't STAND bad grammar. Spelling errors and misused full-stops annoy me to no end.
8. Be realistic, please. Don't make a sweet and loveable tribute, and then have them turn into a crazy psychopath at the first sign of blood. That isn't what would happen in real life.
9. Aim for longer entries, instead of short ones. They're more interesting and will get you higher scores.
10. I will not accept entries PMed to me. Email, Kik and iMessage are the only ways I will allow you to send your tasks. If everyone PMed them to me, then I'd have to rewrite EVERYTHING and it just becomes a massive pain.
11. NO CHEATING in any way or form. If I find out that you've cheated, then you'll instantly be eliminated. Anyone who witnesses cheating, please tell me straight away.

Please advertise these Games! The sooner the reservations are full and the tribute forms are posted, the sooner I can post the first task! I hope you're looking forward to that as much as I am!

And finally, a summary for the beginners. Some of you may have just stumbled across this book by accident, and I thought that I'd have the decency to explain what it is to you. This is a basic rundown of what Author Games is, and how it works. I copied and pasted from something I wrote ages ago from a friend, so sorry if it doesn't make sense at some points.

1. A death toll is the amount of kills there are against a tribute. For instance, in the bloodbath, if Gale was killing by Fern, Billie, Maria and Liam, then that's 4 death tolls against him.

2. A Chopping Block is basically the elimination round. I select a certain amount of tributes (usually around 4-6 with the lowest score for that task) and put them on the Chopping Block, where the audience generally votes for two they want to save. A certain amount of tributes with the most votes are safe and continue to the next task, whilst the others are eliminated.

3. Usually, voting is done via the comments but some authors for Games request the votes to be PMed to them. I don't mind either way, just stay consistent.

4. Generally scoring is based on four things. 1. How well the entry is written. 2. How long the entry is. 3. How quickly the tribute handed in. 4. The detail in the entry. Mainly the first and fourth. You score each tribute on their entry with any number from 1-12, depending on the quality. Once again, you can make up your own way, but make sure to explain it.

5. Sponsors are a separate batch of people from the tributes, and they are immensely helpful. In each Games, a sponsor usually picks 2-4 tributes that they'd like to sponsor. Then you create perks for the sponsored tributes (literally anything you can think of) and only the sponsored tributes will get that advantage. The sponsors usually pick who they want to sponsor after the first task has been posted and the training scores have been given out. The sponsors generally encourage the tributes to write better so that they have more chance of getting a sponsor, and they're really helpful.

6. The tributes will be ranked at the end of each task, and those with the lowest scores will be put onto the Chopping Block for the public to vote on.

And that's the introduction done, phew. Now, I thought I'd give you a schedule for when the next few chapters are going to be posted, and what they are. Keep an eye on this book, as the updates will be on time (FOR ONCE). I'll be writing the titles of the chapters, so sorry if they don't make sense. The Gamemakers will all be owned by me, as they don't affect the outcome of any of the tributes. It's the sponsors that will be owned by other writers on Wattpad. If you have any questions, just let me know :)


Meet The Gamemakers - Thursday the 16th of July
Tribute Reservations - Saturday the 18th of July
Sponsor Reservations - Sunday the 19th of July
Forms (both sponsor and tribute) - Wednesday the 22nd of July
~ the tribute forms will be posted as soon as I receive them ~

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