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Okay here's the story I've been telling you guys about I hope you like it ! & don't forget to check out my first story I made called "the person who I am now , and who I used to be" back to Ties that Bind

Another normal morning for the Teen Titans in the T-tower. Beast boy and Cyborg fought restless over the remote to gain dominance of the big screen TV in the living room. Raven quietly slipped from the dark shadows of the hall to appear in the kitchen facing the living room. She casually began to pour herself a nice steaming cup of herbal tea Starfire had prepared for her breakfast meal.

"Good morning Raven. How was your nights sleep?" Answered a bright and cheerful Starfire.

"Fine." Raven said in her monotone voice.

"That is nice. Beast boy! Cyborg! Breakfast is ready." Star said as she placed their food at their spots on the table.

"Alright! I am starved!" Beast boy exclaimed as he hoped over the couch. He settled in to eating his tofu eggs and tofu ham/bacon with a side of soy milk and a soy muffin.

"This looks great Star! Thanks! Now this is real food!" Cyborg thanked while waving his fresh real food in Beast boy's face. Cy scarfed down his real eggs, real smoked bacon, a true blueberry muffin and a nice fresh glass of 100% dairy milk.

"Has anyone seen Robin this morning? He is not hear to fuel him self for the day's excitement." Star stated looking around for the boy wonder.

"Did he even come out of his room yet? I mean he was up all night trying to figure out were the

thieves would strike next." Cy committed while taking another mouth full of eggs.

"Ya man, Robin was really stressing about that last night. The dude doesn't know how to relax." Beast boy agreed with Cyborg as he finished off his soy milk.

"Robin tries hard to stop these thieves from hurting the innocent people here on earth." Star defended Robin from BB's and Cy's Criticism.

"I thought I herd him in the gym this morning." Raven said non-silently getting up to disperse to her room to meditate.

"I will go see if he would like his daily morning nutrition." Star said heading in the direction of the gym.

As she neared the gym she could hear equipment clanging, loud thuds, grunts, heavy breathing and an occasional curse word. When she entered the gym there was Robin slamming his firsts and feet into the massive punching bag. He wore black sweets and a black muscle shirt that clung tightly to him exposing is rather toned chest and well worked abbs. His mask still covered his eyes showing no sign of slipping. He had started to break a sweet. His arms glistened and his hair was tousled beads of sweet running off the back of his neck while his bang were beginning to plaster to his forehead. He had yet to sense Starfire's presence in the room and continued his brutal attack on the bag. He had a look of concentration that appeared over his face each time he made contact with the bag. Star finally bringing herself to make her presence know cleared her throats blushing a ruby red hue. Robin startled looked up to find Star standing a few feet from were he was training.

"Oh, good morning Starfire." Came a panted breath as Robin spoke.

"Good morning Robin. I was just wondering if you were going to fuel yourself this morning with appetizing nutrients." Star smiled sweetly at him.

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