Savior Revealed Part 2

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Warning: This does contain some fluff and some sexual hints(more towards the end so if you don't like then don't read)

Chapter 16: Savior Revealed Part 2

Robin and Starfire seemed oblivious to their surroundings. Locked in a world of rekindled passion. Sounds of screaming guests, and the struggle between Bluefire and the fellow Titans were lost to their ears. Only the steady rhythm of two longing heart beats recited the melody in this world. The only visible objects were the colors ice blue and emerald green colliding. They stayed locked into a trance as past memories of times together flooded through their eyes. When the memories washed over them and settled into present day, both wore loving smiles.

"Oh, Robin." Starfire sighed running her fingers through his hair.

"Starfire, how I missed you." Robin said pulling her closer to him in a protective and loving embrace.

"I am so sorry Robin." Star began sobbing in the embrace.

"Shsh...There is no need to apologize you did nothing wrong. I am the one who should be sorry. Shhhh it's ok." Robin whispered comfortingly in her ear. He was shocked that she had anything to be sorry for, he was the one that should have told her who he was sooner and not waited. He had let her go through so much pain within the last few days. It was him who should have been apologizing for she did nothing wrong.

"But I did Robin...I did.." Star sniffed as new tears poured out of her eyes both from guilt and happiness.

"You never did anything wrong to me." Robin stated a little more forcefully reassuring her.

"But I betrayed you. He touched me, felt me..." She started off turning her head away from Robin's gaze.

"..." Robin's mouth hung open slightly hearing her statement. She was apologizing for something she had no control over. It was not her fault it happened, if anything it was his for not being there to rescue her in time.

"I understand if you don't love me anymore..."

"Don't even finish that statement, you know fully well that is not true. For if it was I wouldn't be here!" Robin growled at her threateningly.

Star was a bit taken back by his out burst and shrunk herself beneath him. She felt like a young cub getting punished by their parent for wondering too far. Sure she had heard Robin mad before but something was different in the tone he produced, something almost burning. It was like he was trying to scorch his words into her memory forever.

Starfire didn't know how to respond to his harsh statement and did the only thing she could think of; she cried.

"Star, don't cry anymore. It's ok. I am sorry I didn't mean to sound so gruff. I am here, and I still love you more than anything." Robin comforted her. He had not really meant for his statement prior to have sounded so cruel. He may have been upset at her for thinking he wouldn't love her, for he would love her till the ends of time no matter what she did.

He took his right hand and gently wiped away the straying tears from her glossy puffy emerald eyes with care. He whispered sweet nothings to her in an attempt to calm her, to take away all her pent up pain and anguish he'd caused her. He smiled lovingly down at her and was rewarded back with an equally, loving smile, that grace the beautiful lips of his lover.

"I love you too Robin more than anything." She whispered through her smiling lips. This was the first time in ages she had truly smiled and meant it.

She laced her arms back behind his neck and pulled him closer to her capturing his lips in a heated kiss. They started out slow and loving but both tired of such a chasséd kiss applying more and more pressure deepening as the wanting turned into a desperate needing. Robin's hands glided through her silky thick red strands of hair making their way further down. Starfire's own hands found themselves stroking each and every muscle along his toned back implanting each crease into memory. Robin tilted her head back ever so slightly giving him better access to dip his tongue in deepening the heat of their passion. Starfire moaned softly as she felt Robin's tongue plunge deep within her mouth. She welcomed the sudden invasion declaring war as both tongues collided repeatedly.

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