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Alright everyone here is the Lemon. This is my first ever so please let me know what you think and what I can do to improve. Enjoy ! ;)

Chapter 8-Lemon

When they arrived home he parked in the garage, got out and walked over to Star's side and opened the door for her. She got out and slightly tripped causing her to crash into his chest lightly. She blushed looking up. He smiled and leaned down and kissed her lightly at first and then broke it kissing her again but this time she deepened it pushing her tongue in his mouth caressing his tongue. He wrapped his arms around her as she snaked hers around his neck pressing her self to him. Carefully he guided them to the garage door not breaking the kiss. He fumbled with the door handle before getting it open flinging it a little harder than he expected as it hit the wall. He guided her into the living room still not breaking the kiss as he hit his leg against a table. He moaned into her mouth as the pain shot up his leg. Star giggled in the kiss and broke it off. He looked down at her and smirked scooping her up bridle style placing his lips back on hers placing fiery kisses down her face to her throat. She moaned in pleasure at how he was making her feel. He finally captured her lips again plunging his tongue deep into her mouth as he made his way to his room. He flung his door opened and closed it with the back of his foot. He walked over to the bed and laid Star down still kissing her. He kept his weight off of her leaning on his elbows. He broke the kiss to look into her eyes. Lust clouded over both their eyes but love also shown through as they peered at each other. Star began to kiss feather light kisses all over his face and gliding them down his neck. Her hand gently went for the buttons on his jacket and undid them. She slid her hands up his chest and under the jacket as she began to take it off him. Robin froze when he felt her start to remove his jacket and looked down at her face. She wore a red blush that covered her cheeks and she smiled shyly at him. He couldn't help but smile back.

Are you sure you want to do this?" He questioned her giving her the chance to back out now.

"Yes." Was all she whispered before his lips were on hers in a matter of seconds in a bruising kiss.

He helped her slide off his jacket never breaking their heated kiss. He broke the kiss for a need of air but only briefly as his lips came back to caress her jaw-line. He lightly nipped up an down her neck paying special attention to the crock of her neck sucking harder and applying more pressure to his nips. Star couldn't help but gasp as he increased the pressure of his love bites and let out a moan of pure bliss. She arched her neck giving him better access to her sensitive flesh. Her hands found their way to the end of his shirt and began to work the buttons undone. Once she had the last button undone she slid her hands against his bare chest dragging her nails lightly along the groves of his toned pectorals. Robin visibly shuttered out of pleasure gasping into the side of her neck. His body involuntary pushed its self into her hands. Star smiled at seeing what kind of effect she had on him. Her hands finally found their way to the top of his shoulders and she glided her hands down his arms causing the remainder of his shirt to fall carelessly off his body. Star could now fully see his naked chest and abdomen. His pectorals were just starting to fully fill out letting go of their boyish physic. His shoulders were broadening as well though they were not at full muscle capacity yet. She grazed her finger nails over his rock hard abs following the outlines of the almost perfect six-pack. All his hard training and fighting villains left him with a more defined male figure than other boys his age. Getting bolder Star turned the tables and flipped Robin so she was now on top. Preparing to give him the same pleasure he had given her so far.

She smiled at him and kissed his lips teasing him, not allowing him deepen it or to completely lock on. She heard him growl lowly in his throat in frustration. She smirked and continued to tease him lightly laying kisses on his hungry lips. Slowly she kissed her way down to his jaw-line nibbling lightly as she went down. He arched his head back into the pillow giving her full access to continue her assault on his skin. She made her way down to his neck playfully nipping here and there every once in a while sucking gently on some exposed flesh. She made her way down towards his exposed chest sliding her fingernails down his sides sending shivers up his spine. She kissed feather light kisses up and down to his chest making him grunt in response. Going one step further took her tongue and traced a circle around his left nipple. Robin was shocked as he felt something wet glide around his nipple and gasped loudly much to Star's delight. She did the same to the other this time turning the gasp into a moan of pleasure from her soon to be lover and husband and blew some air on his nipple which caused him to shiver. She slowly licked her way back up to his neck and traced and invisible line up to his right left ear. He chocked back a cry of pleasure as she licked behind his ear and gently sucked on the back of the earlobe, and then nibbling on the outer edge of the earlobe. He was going crazy he didn't know how much longer he could take it.

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