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Alright everyone here is the next chapter. This chapter is not as thrilling or romantic as the others but it's an important chapter leading up to the last chapters. It has some hint and specific saying too look for in later chapters. Also , i notice i didnt get alot of votes & views :( So please vote , view , comment so i can know what im doing wrong

Chapter 9-Obsession

From now and until forever they are one; mind, body, and soul. Only thing you need to know from the last chapter if you didn't read it.

It's been a few weeks since Robin and Starfire confessed their undying love for each other both verbally and physically. Their engagement was not such a surprise for the team for all were very well aware of Robin's and Star's feelings towards one another. Star finally moved fully into Robin's room after the night of their engagement. Both Robin and Star were teased endlessly by the rest of the team for keeping them up all that night. Robin had yet to act any further on their intimate act or perform it again for crime sprees left both the leader and the rest of the team exhausted at night.

Recently there have been burglaries at the local tech. Centers steeling top-secret computer chips. Some type of high tech laser had been stole as well. Robin tried endlessly to figure out what the criminals were up to as well as who they were. Many long nights he spent analyzing the data Cyborg received from his readings as well as some of the robot minions they destroyed. Star would insist that he come to bed, that he needed sleep. She never gave up asking him, every night she came at midnight begging him to come to bed. But he never came. It was only in the early mornings did he leave his work room and crawl into bed with Star who was sound asleep. He needed to figure out what these criminals were planning for the sake of the town and for the sake of Star. There had been some close calls lately and he fought harder than ever to ensure nothing ever happened to her.

The next few days there were messily thefts, only a handful of bank robberies that hand not connection to his case and some random Robot attacks. And during these days he spent more time locked up into his room trying to figure everything out. His only interruptions were when Star came in with lunch. His only time he would stop working was when Star came in and had lunch with him. They usually ate in silence while Star sat in his lap or next to him.

"So any new leads?" Star would always ask, though usually knowing the answer.

"Well, looking at all the stuff they stole I only have a few guesses. One is that it's some sort of time changer. Two that it's something that can cause major destructive damage. Or lastly it may be able to disintegrate something." Robin stated full in thought.

"What does disintegrate mean?" Star asked curiously.

"It means that the object begins to fade it's molecules dispersing until it ceases to exist; meaning it vanishes.

"Oh. I didn't know you could do that here on earth." Star was amazed that something could actually do that.

"Well it really doesn't yet. It was still in the process of being tested until the chips were stolen with all the data." Robin said going over his papers, meaning lunch was about over.

"Ok." Star sighed getting up and taking their plates in her hand and leaned down to kiss him. He met her half way making it passionate.

"Please don't let this become like it did with Slade, Robin." She said as she left out the door closing it behind him.

He sighed himself she was right he was beginning to become obsessed with this. He really wanted to spend more time with Star than he was. He knew he wasn't being the best fiancee like he should be but she did understand and for that he was thankful. He stretched well later today he thought he would get everyone together and they could all go out and hang out like they used too. He then turned back to his work and smile.

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