Unexpected But Expected

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Chapter 12: Unexpected But Expected

It's been almost two years now since the Titans had lost their leader Robin. The team continues to up hold the pledge they made for him. Starfire still continues to hope and pray that he may one day return to her and as a reminder of that she still wears his ring never taking it off. Beast Boy finally popped the question to Raven a few months ago and they are planned to wed in the next few months. Cyborg is now the leader of the Titans. After Robin's departure Starfire being engaged to him, put her in next position to become leader but passed the opportunity over to Cyborg saying he could do a better job. Starfire's knowledge of earth's custom and language has doubled tremendously. She spends most of her time locked up in what used to be her and Robin's room. She has left everything the way it was almost two years ago from his red lava lamp to his clothes in the closet and even the pesky curtain remains the same.

Today, the gang went to the mall to purchase Starfire some gifts for her upcoming 18th birthday. They insisted that she come but as usual she turned them down saying she was not feeling too well. The gang is starting to worry for her, since Robin's passing she has become more reclusive only going outside the tower when the alarm goes off. She lost her cheerful attitude since that night and only wears a false smile. She spends most of her time in her room, often the others can hear her crying quietly to her self at times.

"I miss you Robin...Please hurry and come back to me." Starfire half sobbed into the evening sky on top of the tower.

"Robin..Beast Boy finally took your advice and proposed to Raven. They are getting married in a few months. I am going to be her maid of honor...Cyborg makes a great leader you would be proud of him...BB and him do not fight as much as they used too...and BB even got Cyborg to try some tofu he made." Starfire sadly giggled.

"I love you Robin....And I fear something is going to try and pull us apart. But please remember I will always love you and I will wait forever for you to return no matter what happens you will never leave my heart." She said her last words in a prayer begging that some way some how he would hear her heart felt confessions.

"Hey Star, we just got back and BB got a new movie he wants us all to watch for old times sake." Raven said from the roof door. She had heard everything Star had said and she too wishes Robin would return but she knew it was not possible for she could no longer feel Robin's presence.

"I will be right in." Star turned around giving Raven one of her best fake smiles to reassure her that she would be down.

Raven only nodded and quietly shut the door behind her. She as well as the other titans missed the old Starfire and wished she would return. But they knew the old Star would never return for a part of her was within Robin and that died the day he left. The only thing keeping her sane is the hope that one day he will return and fulfill his promise.

"Oh, hey Starfire you ready to watch the movie?" Beast Boy asked as he saw her coming down the hallway toward the living room.

"Yes...This will be fun. What is the movie called?" Star said again plastering a fake smile to appease her friends.

"You mean you haven't heard about this guy yet?" Cyborg said slapping his hands to the side of his face.

"No." Star said in a monotone voice.

Raven shot Cyborg an evil glare for antagonizing her. Cyborg got the hint and laughed shyly to himself at his rudeness and for being instinctive.

"Well, Star, it's a true story, the main character is a guy named Night Prowler and he is the best crime fighter in all of Japan. Most people think he is just a legend but others argue that he is some ancient warrior sent to save those in need. He supposedly made himself known to the public a few years ago. No one knows his name or his identity. He wears a black mask with golden yellow eye covers. He wears an old traditional kimono, the pants are black while the top is a blood red, tied with a black sash. He wears only the outer kimono jacket leading the top part of his chest slightly exposed, as the outer kimono does not shut all the way. They say he only prole at night lurking in the shadows waiting to attack his enemy and take them by surprise. Some people even think he may have been raised by wolves. This movie is raking in billions in Japan and now it has been released in the US so it has to be good!" Beast Boy said getting all giddy as the thought of watching one of the best films of all time.

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