Beginning Of The End?

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Chapter 20

Beginning of the End?

Morning had come too fast for Starfire as she sat at her place next to Robin in the council hall. Everyone's eyes were lock on to her as she stood getting ready to address the other members in the room. She had come to a decision regarding Prince Bluefire's fait. She had spoken with Robin earlier that morning as to what she felt would be a right and just punishment for him. Robin had agreed her decision was fair even if not a little too light for what Robin would bestowed upon him.

"I Princes Starfire next heir to the throne of Tameran have come to a decision in regards to Prince Bluefire's treachery." Star formally addresses the members in the room taking a breath before she continued.

"For his crimes to Tameran and my self Prince Bluefire will be stripped off his title, wealth and his powers to be sealed! He will be exiled to earth to live as a mere mortal human." She proclaimed.

She nervously looked around at the councils reactions to her decision. The room remained silent for some time until her father; King Solaris stood and addresses his daughter's proclamation.

"You do understand that the many laws Prince Bluefire has broken can be punishable by death?" Solaris was trying to confirm with his daughter.

"Yes, I understand but death would be too simple of an escape for him and would only cause more suffering to others. I feel with this punishment he will suffer having to live as a mere human on a planet that he can not stand. And for that matter I have trust worthy allies who are protectors of the planet that would observe him constantly." Starfire said while looking at King Scorpius.

"Well, if that is your final decision it shall be made into effect." Her father smiled at her as pride swelled in him looking at the daughter who once was but a small innocent child but now stood before him as an independent, strong and commanding woman.

"When will my son be exiled?" Scorpius asked.

"I would like him to be exiled as soon as possible." Solaris said hastily.

"No." Starfire interjected taking back control over the situation at hand.

"I would like for him to remain in his cell for the time being kept from access to the outside world until Robin and I have our wedding; as I would like nothing to cause interference in our plans." She said.

The rest of the council in the room agreed as well. At least he was confined to a high security cell and could not cause any trouble or be able to say anything disturbing on the upcoming days of a happy and joyous occasion.

"So you and Robin are going to have the wedding here?" Her mother asked.

"Yes, we talked a little about it this morning and agreed to have the wedding here." Star beamed grinning ear to ear as she glanced at her soon to be husband.

"However, we do not want to wait until the chapel has been restored we would like to have it outside in your lovely flower garden." Robin said to his soon to be mother in law as he eased his way over to Star draping his arm around her shoulder.

"Oh, that would be just perfect!" Stars mother squealed as images of what the wedding would look like in the garden where she poured all her hard work and energy.

Once the council was dismissed King Scorpius made his way over to where Princess Starfire and intermediate family stand chatting away idly. He respectfully bowed and extended his gratitude to her for sparing his son's life on his account. Star respectfully placed a hand on his shoulder causing him to look into her eyes as she told him it was never his fault and that anyone can be led astray just as anyone can prove to redeem themselves if they try hard enough. Everyone always deserves a second Chance to prove them selves. He smiled up at her and then turned his gaze to Robin.

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