Answers to the Unexpected

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Chapter 19

Answers to the Unexpected

"Do not tell me you don't recognize the prince of Earth?" King Scorpius snarled at Solaris and his wife's dumb founded faces.

"There was a message sent to all reigning planets that the long lost Prince of Earth had been located. You of all people should know the power Earth holds over all other planets in the system. Including yours and mine!" Scorpius continued ranting.

"That is enough Scorpius!" Robin commanded as he beheld the look of shock on his fiancée's face.

"Star remember when I vanished and was lost for those two years?" Robin looked down into her eyes as he willed her to remember.

Star responded with a slow nod as tears swelled at having to remember the painful day she lost the love of her life. Her hands tightened around his waist hugging him closer willing herself to stay focused on the issue at hand and not remise on the past. Calming her self she lifts her head to peer into his eyes awaiting his response.

"I was injured severely and did not think I would survived. Fortunately I was found and nursed back to health in a hidden temple in the mountain. It was there I was informed of my true heritage and my past." Robin hugged her tightly as the tears fell from his loves face.

Robin and Starfire stood there for what seemed like an eternity. Star living the past she had tried so hard to forget buried herself into his chest clinging to him as if she may lose him again. The thought that he was severely injured and was close to death disturbed her the most. Mental pictures flashed through her mine of the last time she had seen him and then what he must have looked like when he was found. Robin ran his hands up and down her back in a soothing manner and whispered comforting words in her ear. He had not realized she had such a painful scar from his disappearance. Sure he had a visible physical scar as a reminder of what happened, but she had mental scar that went deep into her soul.

"You mean to tell me the earth-boy my daughter is engaged to is actually the long lost Prince of Earth?" King Solaris asked still baffled.

"You know dear he does look like the photo we received with the news of his discovery. He was just a little more bandaged up." The Queen compared as she looked Robin up and down mentally comparing him with the image they had received.

"Yes it is true your majesties I am the long lost Prince of Earth and I can guarantee you I acted the same way when I was informed." Robin said giving them a half cocked smile as he still held the trembling princess.

"I am sorry Star I should have told you sooner." Robin spoke softly to his love as her sobs slowed to a stop.

"It's ok...I am just glad you are here." Starfire said giving him a last squeeze before loosening her grip around him.

Robin returned the little gesture and dipped down to give her a quick kiss. He then slowly slipped her arms away from him as he signaled for her to get behind him. Once she was safely behind him he stalked over to where King Scorpius stood.

"Do you have any idea of what your son has done?" Robin eyed him daring him to attack.

"I was informed that the king was placing thoughts into his daughters head to discourage the wedding and that he had hired several aliens to destroy my son during the wedding as a way of getting rid of the competition and only heir to my throne." King Scorpius replayed the information that was passed from his son to him.

"Well, I can inform you that none of that is true. He was the one forcing Princess Starfire to marry him. He also is a traitor to your own land. He wanted this marriage so he could have control over Tameran's army as well as the loyal followers of your kingdom so he could crush you and rule this entire planet! Not to mention he tried to get rid of me while I was recovering." Robin explained Scorpius's sons full intent of the marriage.

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