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Hello people ! *Sighs... I know isn't it sad Robin disappeared...But I never said he was DEAD hehe. This chapter is just of all the Titans reminiscing about their past and how they came to meet Robin and become fellow Teen Titans. But there is a little surprise at the end!

Chapter 11-Reminiscing

It's been two week now since the passing of Robin. Though it seemed just like yesterday. Star had held Robin's lifeless body in her arms until it suddenly vanished into thin air. It took all the Titans power will power to hold Star back from turning Terra into an extra crispy roasted girl.

"Please, let me avenge his death! She had no right! She killed him! SHE KILLED HIM!" Star screamed tears flooding out her hate filled eyes as she stared at the one who murdered her love.

"Come on Star. Two wrongs don't make a right." Cyborg pleaded with her as he tried to hold her back.

"Ya, Star. I would love to fry her alive too but it wouldn't be right." Beast Boy said transforming into a gorilla also helping to hold her down.

"Robin wouldn't have wanted you to kill her no matter what." Raven said locking Star's hands so she couldn't use her star bolts at Terra.

"Yes, you are right. He wouldn't want that. It would hurt him if I did that." Star sighed giving up, the intense flames dying from her hands and eyes. Her face now took on a sad depressed attire and her eyes began to dull as tears still pouring freely down her face as she started to come to grips with reality; he was really gone. And there was nothing she could do to bring him back.

The police arrived at the scene a few minutes later to clean up the mess and take Terra away. Terra was wrapped in a tight white coat restricting her of much movement. She was placed in a dark truck and headed towards the facility for the criminally in sane. There Terra would be spending the rest of her days in a warm jacket and padded white walls with a daily dose of pills.

"He won Slade. Why couldn't he just die? Why? Why?" Terra said rocking back and fourth as they loaded her into the truck and took off.

The Titans headed back to the tower slowly just as dark clouds began to appear over the city. The clouds seemed to make the city gloomy and dark as the Titans them selves were feeling. Soon loud crashes of thunder could be herd rolling off the skies and lighting lit-up the sky as the wind howled it sorrow filled lullaby. The rain poured down on to the quite and dark deserted streets below. The entire city and elements seemed that they too were morning the loss of a great importance.

Back at the Tower the Titans all entered with their heads bowed just as the rain began to fall. None of them said a word to each other and walked silently into the living room. Their faces all solemn and blank as most made their way to sit on the sofa in front of the TV. Starfire stood behind the sofa as the others sat. They all stared out the glass walls watching the rain continue its angry assault on the city. The rain on the windows slid down like thousands of mournful tears as the sound of the wind moaned its cries.

Star could take it no longer and fled the others to the confines of Robin and her room. She opened the door and flung it shut so hard the entire tower could have shaken. She stood there for a few moments just taking in the room's surroundings and remembering. There was the TV he used to have them watch so she ended up sleeping with him. Then there was the closet. The door was slightly opened as it held both her and his wardrobes. She remembered the day he cleared out the side for her allowing her space of her own as it began to become their room. Then there were the curtains they fought over constantly in the morning to figure out who would close them to make the sun disappear. And there they stood stubbornly cracked open. The bathroom, where they would prepare for each morning together. And, then there was the bed. She slowly turned her head towards the object in the room that held the most memories of their time together. She remembered the first time she slept in the bed with him; she had fallen asleep after watching a movie with him after the first time they confessed their love for one another and officially became a couple. Then there were the wrestling matches and tickling matches where they would laugh happily together. Then there was the night they physically expressed their undying love for one another the night they became engaged, she thought as she twisted the ring she still wore and forever will. And then she remembered the more recent nights he would crawl into bed in the early morning after working in his room and pull her close snuggling in for a few hours of sleep.

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