Cloaked figure

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Chapter 10-Cloaked Figure

As they burst through the entrance of the warehouse they were met by an army of menacing robots. They were everywhere. A group of them stood in front near an exit where the head criminal had fled. Another group stood ready on the terrace of the warehouse.

"Alright gang, split up. Titans Go!" Robin commanded taking the lead.

He charged the robots in front trying to follow the head person. Robin defeated them swiftly using his martial arts skill as well with the help of his trusty pole extender. He rushed through the door behind him only to be confronted with another army of minions. There seemed to be no end to these machines the more you destroyed the more they came.

Raven and Beast Boy worked as a team. Beast Boy would corner them to a wall and then Raven would use her telepathic powers and slam a heavy object crushing them to bits. Soon Beast Boy and Raven had finished off their robots and headed off after Robin. As they got closer to the door Robin went through more robots appeared blocking their entrance.

"Stand back. Let the master take care of this problem." Beast Boy told Raven turning into a green rhino charging into the mass of metal. In a matter of seconds the door way was clear to continue leaving scraps of mangled metal.

"Show off." Raven said rolling her eyes and following him through the door way after Robin.

Cyborg and Starfire took care of the robots on the terrace. Cyborg blasted the robots with his cannon slicing and dicing them to a burned heap of scraps. Star flew up towards the left side covering Cyborg as he ran blasting the robots off. Her eyes glowed a fierce green as in all battles she fought in, determined to succeed. Her hand glowed the same fire emerald as she shot star bolts at the remaining robots dusting them on contact.

"Hurry we must follow Robin." Star anxious to be back at Robin's side.

"Alright lets go then." Cyborg said running toward the door with Starfire flying after him.

They too had the same problem with robots blocking their way. They took care of the pest problem with ease and continued down the corridor after their friends. They arrived to an all out war scene. Robin was in hand to hand combat with the cloaked figure and was slightly limping from and injury he received. Beast boy was transformed into pterodactyl fighting the robot masses from up above. Raven was having a difficult time fending off the ground robots see that it was about 75 to 1. All of the sudden Raven was thrown to the side like a rag-doll hitting her head hard on the wall and collapsing. Beast Boy hearing Raven scream turned to see her hit the wall and fall to the ground barley conscious. The robots taking this chance at BB's distraction hit him full force, causing him to come plundering down, skidding across the ground before he stopped. He tried to get up to go see Raven but collapsed from lack of strength. Cyborg rushed over to help BB up taking him to see how Raven was fairing. Starfire stood in front of her friends keeping the robots at bay as her friends tried to regain some of their strength. Robin was fiercely fighting the cloaked villain who fought back just as hard. The figure seemed to know his every move and countered back swiftly. They countered and attacked each other repeatedly occasionally getting a good shot here or there. Robin seemed to be gaining the upper hand in the fight delivering a round-house jump kick sending the figure flying into the ground. At seeing the figure was not trying to get-up Robin approached limping slightly favoring his left side. As he neared he could hear the figure groaning in pain and their hand's seemed to be clutching its chest.

"Alright it's over. Who are you?" He questioned letting down his guard a little.

"What..You..can't..(pant)..figure it..(pant)..out yet?" The figure spoke breathing heavily. Robin remained quite pondering what she said.

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