First Interaction

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*||Kaine's POV||*

Darkness...The partial or total absence of light, is the dictionary definition of it.

To me it is a painfully silent disaster. It's all I see in the world.

School started a week ago and I have to say, it's not very exciting. I gracefully walk down the halls to get to class as I snap my fingers every once in a while. It's bothersome to walk down crowded hallways with every student shouting and giggling. I swear, my head is going to explode with all the noise. No matter, I have to have a sense of dignity and be poise. No one can know.

First period was such a bore. We had a pop quiz, so now I have to come after school to take it. I took the time to simply listen on what other people were mumbling. Even though we are currently in the middle of a quiz, no one would stop whispering to each other.

"Are you going to the host club?" whispered a girl near me.

"Duh, of course I am" replied who I assume is her friend.

What on earth is the host club?

"Oh my gosh Tamaki looks utterly adorable when he's trying to pass a test"

"Yeah he does but look at Kyoya. He already finished"

'Smart boy' I thought to myself as I waited for our next class to start in about 10 minutes.

The day went by faster than I thought because the next thing I know everyone is heading towards the lunch room. I waited a couple minutes in class so I wouldn't have another headache with their useless conversations. Once I heard the chattering decrease in the halls, I pushed myself off my seat and began to walk down the hall where lunch is being served. I took out a journal and began to write my essays for my previous classes. I didn't expect anyone to be in the halls since it was lunch time but imagine my surprise when I run into something hard, or rather someone. I assumed he also collapsed since I heard a thud a few inches away from me. I gathered my things and I snapped my fingers then faced him. The scent of smoky pine with a hint of mint clouded my thoughts for a moment.

"Pardon me. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" I spoke.

"No problem at all. I'm partially the blame since I wasn't aware of my surroundings as well" he responded.

I scan my hands through my things and I feel a thin leather bound journal. I pull it out and held it in front of me.

"I believe this is yours" I spoke as I snapped my fingers again to know he was still there.

"Thank you princess."

Did he just call me princess?

I then began to hear footsteps pass by me," I would be honored if you came down to music room 3 to visit" his voice went distant to silent as he walked down the hall.

"Music room 3? There wouldn't be any harm on going would it?" I mumbled to myself as I finally reached the lunch room.

*||Kyoya's POV||*

What a peculiar girl. I can understand why others talk so oddly about her. She doesn't make eye contact and snaps her fingers every once in a while. The notebook she was writing in didn't have any lines either. But what increased my curiosity the most were her eyes. They show nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a glimmer. They were so hollow. So...dead.

She is a puzzle waiting to be solved...and I'll be the one to put her pieces together. A smirk began to crawl onto my face as I attended the host club's finance.

"What's on your mind Kyoya?" Haruhi asked as we prepared to let our guests in.

"Nothing in particular. Just a complicated puzzle" I answered. The doors were finally opened and rose pedals were blown towards them.


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