Avoiding the Host Club Party

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The next day.

*|| Kainé's POV ||*

"I get it now. So you have to work for them because you broke a vase and you have to pay them back by working. I feel sorry for you" I placed my hand on haruhi's shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm not really looking foward for the dance that's coming up" she grumbled.

"How about I pay your debt? That way you don't have to deal with them" I offered.

"Thank you for the offer but I want to pay them off myself." She politely said. When she said that I had to say something.

"Ok but remember you can rely on others right? So if you need anything ask me" I told her. She stayed quiet for a moment.

"Uh...ok thanks" I could practically feel her smile after she said that. I snapped my fingers and made a turn to the right.

"You should take your own advice too. Why do you snap your fingers so often?" She asked curiously.

"It's a habit of mine." I answered casually.

"Ok well if you need to talk to someone, you can always talk to me" she suggested.

"That's nice to know." I said as I opened the host club doors.

"Hello everyone." I greeted.

"Welcome" they all chanted together as the scent of rose filtered the air.

"Oh it's just Kaine." The twins said unamused.

"Well now, is that any way to treat a 'princess' as you so enjoy calling every lady who walk the halls in this school?" Kaine retorts to the twins comment.

"What are you guys even doing? The host club doesn't start until half an hour." Haruhi asks.

"The Boss wanted us prepped for the party coming up." Kaoru answered.

"I don't know why though. It's not like this is the first time we've hosted a party." Hikaru continues after his brother.

"You idiots. A princess should not be treated so carelessly! Manners are always important when impressing the public!" Tamaki, if i remember correctly, shouts so dramatically. I flinch.

"Why so loud and dramatic?" I ask in pain. The next thing I know, the twins are laughing.

"What's so amusing? I ask another question as I massage my head.

"You... sent the boss to the corner." Hikaru answers with a soft tone.

"Yeah. Don't you find that at least puzzling?" Kaoru follows his brother's sentence. With information, I was prepared to answer their question and ease their thoughts.

" Well many people do the most peculiar things. I've learned not to pay much attention to it."

"What an interesting notion," Kyoya interjected, " though I do have a question of my own that is more of a different topic."

" I'm open for any question." Following his voice, I turn to his direction.

"I don't believe you're here to attend the host club, so it leads to my question: why exactly are you here?"

"Well i ran into Haruhi and so i decided to walk her over here." I answer truthfully.

"OH HOW LOVELY! HARUHI HAS A GIRL FRIEND TO HANG OUT WITH!" Tamaki bursts out with joy. My head then starts pounding against my skull.

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